Friday, July 17, 2020

Biden Is Senile

It’s not that he continues to make silly gaffes. It’s that some of those gaffes illustrate his complete lack of knowledge about what’s going on, due to his rapidly approaching senility. A good example is his claim that 150 MILLION people have been killed by (legal) guns. And it can only be legal guns because he has no way of knowing how many wee killed by illegal guns Nobody with a lick of sense would think that, but he apparently doesn’t have a lick of sense. He goes around in a fog and repeats things people tell him, or that he reads in the fake news sources. In any case, if he ever actually gets elected, we’re in “deep doo-doo.”
UNARMED CIVILIANS GIVING TICKETS: Well, that might be a good idea in theory, but not in practice. Yes, they don’t need a gun to give out a ticket. But what if that driver gets unreasonably mad at getting that ticket, pulls out a gun, and shoots that civilian to death? That has happened, even to armed cops who were not quick enough. When that happens to an unarmed civilian he or she is going to die. Guaranteed. And that is the fatal flaw in their reasoning. But of course, liberal politicians (Dumbocrats, of course) do not reason. They don’t know how, and some of them even deny the very existence of reason and logic. They’re too stupid to know better.

LIGHTBRAIN BLAMES TRUMP: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightbrain is now blaming President Trump for her mistakes in fighting “gun violence” in Chicago. As if this president had time—or inclination-- to do the stupid things SHE has done by making laws that INCREASE gun violence in her city. And continuing to enforce them, even after discovering they don’t do a thing to reduce gun violence. Lightbrain is like most stupid politicians in finding ways to blame others for her own stupid mistakes.

THE WRONG SOLUTION: California, which is known for the stupid decisions and policies of its current governor, is about to make its stupidest mistake yet. It is about to release 18,000 convicted felons “to stop the spread of the virus.” Well, that might work to stop the spread IN prisons, but will work to INCREASE the spread in the general population of that state, while the criminals go about victimizing people, as they normally do whenever they get a chance.

CREATING RACISM: Where none exists. Liberals are working hard to convince the world that “whiteness” is racism, when it it—for them. The only racism in “whiteness” is that demonstrated by the liberals. “Whiteness” means the same thing for liberals that the “N word” means for real racists, only “whiteness” hurts white people. The liberals desperately want to make the world think that “white racism” exists in this country, and it’s true, except the people it goes against are the white people. To promote that, the Smithsonian has come out with a statement saying “objective thinking is a sign of whiteness” whatever that means.

BLAME IT ON THE GUNS: As usual, those lame-brained liberal (Dumbocrat) politicians miss the mark and blame all their gun violence on the inanimate tool. The gun. Of course, that ignores the silly and stupid policies they install that contribute to that violence. Like in NYC releasing thousands of felons so they can victimize the honest people in that city while doing all he can to stifle any police response. The gun was invented to allow the honest people to effectively oppose the workings of the dishonest individuals who want to be able to victimize them at will. But then those dishonest individuals, who were denied access to guns legally, went out and got them illegally, and used them to further victimize the law-abiding. The guns are NOT responsible for the violence. The PEOPLE are.

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