Friday, June 22, 2018

Can't Put Kids in Jail

The liberals are making a big propaganda thing out of children being separated from their parents when they're arrested for the CRIME of entering this country illegally. What they don't tell you is that children are NEVER sent to prison with their criminal parents. If you rob a store or kill somebody, we don't punish your children with you. So EVERY criminal is "separated from his or her children" when they're sent to prison for the crimes they commit. and illegal aliens bring that on themselves when they bring their innocent children with them when they set out to commit that crime.

"IT'S THE FAR RIGHT!" Dumocrats label anything to THEIR right as being "the far right." They SAY they're the "party of inclusion," but the only people they include are those who agree with every facet of their beliefs. All the others, they label as "far right," and do everything they can to make sure they don't get a chance to say their piece. A good example of that is the "student uprisings" we have seen to keep conservative speakers like Ann Coulter from uttering a single word on their campus. Canada, in fact, BARRED her from even ENTERING Canada to fulfill a speaking commitment. And she's not the only conservative speaker to be "shouted down" on various campuses, while socialists and communists speak there, freely.

WAY TO GO, GRANDMA! A 46 year-old grandma went out to take a picture of her new bumper sticker that said, "Women Who Behave Seldom Make History." Which is one way to say, "Don't Mess With Grandma!" A rabid bobcat that attacked her found out the hard way it should have learned to read. The bobcat jumped her and went for her throat. so she strangled him to death. It's too bad that cat couldn't read. Maybe he would have passed her by and found someone easier. Which just goes to show the best defense is NOT to fight with the same tools as your attacker--human or animal.

DON'T BRING YOUR KIDS: Message to illegal aliens: When you contemplate committing a crime that requires you t be incarcerated, don't bring your kids with you. They will be separated from you because they are not the criminals in this plot. If a man is contemplating a burglary or a holdup, or even a bank robbery, he doesn't bring his kids with him usually. Why? Because he knows there's a chance he might be incarcerated if anything goes wrong. Illegal aliens, on the other hand, KNOW "something is going to go wrong," and they will be incarcerated.

HO, HUM, NOTHING NEW: Several political outfits have come together to propose "new" gun laws. The liberal media touts that, saying they have "come together to find new ways to stop gun violence!" One little problem: what they propose are the same tired, old, laws and regulations that didn't work the first time they tried them. Or the second, or the third. ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Those organizations include the American MEDICAL Association, the Police Executive Research Foundation (whatever THAT is), and the Conference of Mayors (USCM). The USCM said, "A constitutional right to bear arms doesn't exist," which is totally a LIE. They also said, "The Second Amendment is an Anachronism," which is also a LIE. They don't have any idea what they're talking about.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: We might be a little quicker to believe Hillary's excuses for why she lost the election of there weren't so damned many of them.... Textbook bias: The same "investigators" who said Hillary was innocent before the "investigation" even began, said Trump should be impeached, even before THAT "investigation" began. If that's not proof of bias, I don't know what is.... The FBI's IG Report actually DETAILED many examples of bias in the "investigation" of Hillary Clinton, and then blandly declared that he "didn't find any evidence of bias." And they really expect us to believe that. That report, by itself, is ample "evidence of bias.".... Nancy Peelosi lectures a reporter about using the term, "illegal aliens." Says, "It's not constructive." But it IS "descriptive," Nancy....

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