The State of California has had the temerity to SUE the
federal government for reinstating the citizenship question in the
2020 Census. They say just asking that question is unconstitutional.
Show me where the Constitution says that, Governor Moonbeam. It is
NOT unconstitutional to ask that question, though who is going to
answer it truthfully if they ARE illegal aliens? Liberals have almost
succeeded in making illegal aliens LEGAL aliens in this country, with
their "sanctuary cities" damned foolishness. They are
the law
in the name of protecting illegal aliens, instead of American
A FOOL: Comedian Jimmy Fallon says that the students demonstrating
against guns "speak with more guts,
passion, and common sense than any adults." Obviously, he hasn't
heard the common sense spoken by people who actually use INTELLIGENCE
when they speak. The laws these ignorant children are promoting (with
financing and other support
from anti-gun fools) do NOTHING to stop gun violence, and more of
them will not do anything, either. Repealing the Second Amendment
would be a big mistake, and would lead to the MURDERS of many
citizens by the government, who would remain armed, while citizens
who obey laws would not. And that always leads to government murder.
Even in this country, where the government has already murdered many
of its citizens, even in a "heavily armed" country. What would they do to us if we weren't armed?
HAVE NO ANSWER: Anti-gun fools have no cogent answer to the things
said by those wishing to retain the constitutionally GUARANTEED right
to bear arms for self defense, and so we can bring our own guns if
summoned to defend this country. So they immediately start calling us
names. They're now calling the NRA, which simply stands up for that
right, a "terrorist organization," and "baby killers"
(never mind Planned Parenthood kills many babies, every day). Their
gun laws DO NOT WORK, and only make gun violence WORSE, by disarming
the law-abiding, who aren't the problem, for the most part. People
with INTELLIGENCE oppose them, and they call us whatever name they
can think of to try and criminalize our defense of our RIGHTS.
JUSTICE STEVENS IS A FOOL: I guess it's a good thing he isn't on the
court any more. He's obviously "lost it" at age 98. He's a
"doddering old fool." And being 80, I figure I have a right
to say that when he advocates those ignorant CHILDREN demonstrate for
the ABOLISHMENT of the Second Amendment, the only thing that keeps
the demagogues in our government from just "walking right over
us." They are very careful when they come to kill us as they did
in Ruby Ridge and Waco. We need to keep them nervous. The people in
Russia and Nazi Germany didn't, and millions of them died at their
government's hands.
IGNORANT VOTERS: The liberals know their most fertile minds to be
fooled by their rhetoric are the very young. They haven't been ALIVE
long enough to know anything, therefore
they fall for the liberal rhetoric
more often than adults
now, well known liberal Michael Moore (fat boy) wants the voting age
to 16.
they can get more immature, ignorant minds to fool into voting for
liberals. Children at 16 are just not intelligent enough (yet) to
know what's true, so they buy the liberal LIES.
Why not lower the age to 8?
Maybe 4?
YOU A CITIZEN?" California (the stupid state) is suing the feds
for including a question in the 2020 Census, asking if the person
is a citizen, They say asking that question is unconstitutional. Tell
me, Governor Moonbeam, where in the Constitution does it say you
can't verify citizenship when the whole purpose of the census is to
determine the number of VOTERS there are? Non-citizens CANNOT vote,
and that question is there to find out of those people ARE able to
vote in our elections. Dumocrats want those people to vote so they
will vote for Dumocrats.