Friday, January 19, 2018

The Big Problem

The big problem with the growing "#me too" movement is that it's based on a fallacy. They've found that women need NO PROOF in order to be able to ruin a man's life by a simple accusation. That accusation alone can scar a man for life. There are many men today whose life has been ruined by such unproven accusations. Judge Roy Moore comes to mind. There are others, too. People whose names we might not recognize, but who are just as ruined. Our society is BASED on an "innocent until PROVEN guilty" ideal. The way sexual misconduct accusations are handled, is a complete reversal of that and should be avoided, at all costs.

LIFE BASED ON LIE: "Chelsea" Manning (whose real name is Bradley Manning), the guy who thinks he is a woman, and hopes to be one as soon as he can get rid of that pesky thing hanging between his legs, is running for the Senate, after spending 7 years in prison for TREASON. They take away many rights for people convicted of felonies. Like the constitutional right to own a gun, for instance. But apparently they didn't think of banning the right to tun for office when you're a felon. Maybe that's why we have so many (pre-felon) crooks in DC. Obama commuted his sentence (surprise, surprise!) to "time served." But he's still a felon, and shouldn't be allowed to run for ANY office, including dogcatcher.

LIES, LIES, AND DAMNED LIES: The anti-cop fools continue to lie to get cops in trouble for doing their jobs, as they did in Ferguson, MO, where a cop shot and killed a giant thug while that thug was trying his best to kill him. That "hands up, don't shoot" crap they spouted was proven to be a lie, perpetrated by his thug friends. While it didn't get the cop jailed, it did cost him his job, and for what? For doing his job and protecting his own life. In North Little Rock, AR a cop shot a man who was clearly pulling a gun. This is the latest of many lies told to get cops in trouble, where they accused them of "executing" this thug. But unfortunately, for the liars, there was dash cam footage to PROVE them liars. It was a routine traffic stop with three subjects, one of which was clearly shown pulling a gun on the dash cam video when shot.

IT'S ALL THEY WANT: One thing you can count on in DC today is that Trump will NEVER get the credit he deserves for the good he's doing. The Dumocrats want one thing: to be RID of Trump and his determination to "drain the swamp." Since most of them ARE "the swamp," They want to get rid of him before he gets to them. They've tried everything they could think of to discredit him so he can't "get them." They say he's crazy. That he's a racist, an imbecile, not competent to BE president. That his health is failing and probably will die before his term is up. Meanwhile, he is fast "draining the swamp," as he has promised to do.

DURBIN IS A LIAR! The only person in a roomful of people who heard the "sh-thole country" comment is Dick Durbin, who is a KNOWN liar. He is KNOWN to make things up, just like the former Senate minority leader (Harry Reid) has done, on many occasions. Reid successfully said Romney hadn't paid his taxes in ten years, which helped turn the election against him. It was proven to be a lie later, but all he cared about was "it worked." Making unprovable lies up and insisting they're true is a regular part of the Dumocrat playbook. Then they insist the victim of their lies prove them wrong, which is difficult, since you can't prove a negative.

ONE MAN'S OPINION: It's a real moneymaking idea! The IRS has enlisted the aid of private credit collection agencies to collect taxes. They paid them $20 million dollars to collect $6 million dollars in taxes. Real profitable, that.... Peelosi thinks the thousand dollar bonuses are "pathetic." Maybe so, for a millionaire like her, but for us "middle classers," not so much. Somebody ought to teach her something about the value of money to those (unlike her) who don't have more of it than they can spend.... "Selective hearing." That's what caused Dumocrats to "hear" President Trump say a nasty word they (not surprisingly) call racist in a meeting. No Republican seems to have heard it, though. That smacks to me of a "made-ip" controversy. Something the Dumocrats definitely have in their quiver,,,,

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