Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why'd She Marry Him?

So she couldn’t be made to testify against him? Is she really that stupid? I doubt it. I think she just didn’t want to let go of her “meal ticket,” and didn’t expect what happened. She figured he’d just go on and keep making millions and she’d be “the queen of the world,” but it didn’t work out that way. He’s now unemployed, and the way guys like him spend, he’ll soon be broke—and so will she, while now being “chained” to him by marriage. Marrying Rice was a major miscalculation. I hope he can get a $15 an hour job at McDonald’s.

THEY’RE ALL THE SAME: They change their names, sometimes daily, to confuse us. But ALL the Islamic terrorist organizations you hear about are the same: Hamas. ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram, etc. They’re ALL Islamic terrorists and ALL simply want to KILL and maim, and rape as many women as they can before they kill them. Individual Muslims do that, too. They all have several names they go by so you can never tell with whom you’re dealing. But they all think the same way. They think the whole world should be Muslim, whether or not they wish it. And they want to KILL you if you refuse to convert. If they come to you, tell them you happily convert. And after they leave, worship whatever God you wish—or NO God.

THE “ONE-WAY RACIST GAME”: It’s a game played by liberals and black people where a black person gets to be proud to be black, but if a white person expresses the same sentiments, he’s a racist. This is ignorance personified, but is accepted by many people, so it is still practiced, even though the label has lost its sting through overuse. Any time a liberal loses an argument and has no comeback, he calls you a racist. It sounds bad, but it no longer has any meaning. It’s fun arguing with people who can’t last 30 seconds without insulting you. Then you get to punch them.

“NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND”: Obama says there will be “no boots on the ground” in Iraq. How he intends to win there is beyond me. I think he doesn’t WANT to win in Iraq. He calls himself a “reluctant warrior,” but I call him no kind of a warrior. He wants to make us THINK he’s doing something about ISIS, while mispronouncing their name to exclude Israel from consideration. “No boots on the ground” isn’t going to get it, and the sooner he figures that out, the better. Damn, how STUPID is this man! This is his way of signalling ISIS that he will not be EFFECTIVELY fighting them so they can go ahead and do their dirty work.

NO ALLEGIANCE: Liberals are taking an awful turn in this country, and if it continues, it will cause the loss of all that we stand for; what made us the “destination of choice” for people all over the world who want to better themselves, and caused us to outstrip civilizations that have been in existence for thousands of years, in less than 300 years. Now CBS has gone so far as to reject an ad because it features a child saying the "Pledge of Allegiance.” To do so reflects a mindset that is, to me, treasonous. I’d stop watching CBS News if I did still watch this bastion of liberalism, anyway.

“NO TERRORISM”: Obama likes to say there have been no terrorist attacks in America on his watch. But, as usual, he’s LYING. There have been several, but he refuses to CALL them terrorist attacks to support his LIE. The Ft. Hood shootings, for instance, that were done by a PROUD Muslim who says he did it as “revenge” for Muslims we killed overseas. He calls this shooting, “workplace violence” to avoid having to admit it WAS Islamic terrorism. Boston was another example that he refuses to recognize as terrorism. Obama is as phony a politician I’ve ever seen!

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