Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ten Years without Taxes

New York is trying to entice business to locate there by offering them a moratorium on their extremely high taxes for ten years. Then they’ll hit them with everything they have, after the businesses are firmly established in New York and will find it difficult to move, so they’ll stay—and pay, and pay, and pay. Why anybody would buy that crap is beyond me. But some will. Some people are just stupid.

EVEN AL-QAIDA HATES THEM: ISIS is so violent, even the outfit that “took out” the world Trade Center (killing 3,000 innocent people) hates them and expelled them. Al-Qaida does most of the same things they do, but they don’t flaunt it like they do. Al-Qaida knows such things as beheading little girls, raping them, “marrying” them as young as 6, and beheading hostages in PUBLIC will cause America’s spine to stiffen, and that, they don’t want. They want to keep on with their murderous ways while America sleeps. But when you behead little girls and send pictures of her headless body to the media, even American liberals notice, and react. This, they don’t want. They want to go on with their atrocities while we do nothing much, and they know when they go too far, they will have to face STIFF opposition, which frightens these cowards.

BLACK MAN KILLS WHITE COP: And no riots; no presidential statements, federal “investigations,” no looting, nothing. Why? Because liberals PROFIT by whipping up violence ANY time a white cop kills a black thug. They work HARD to “re-invent” that black thug so they can get gullible legislators to make new laws that benefit THEM. As long as we let them get away with this kind of thing, we’re moving quickly toward anarchy and death. Stop them, NOW!

OBAMA WANTS TO “MANAGE” ISIS: He actually thinks you can MANAGE a deadly terrorist band that LOVES to rape and kill innocent people to make a political point. Or he doesn’t WANT to “do something about them.” I think he WANTS them to win—to take over in the United States with him in the “catbird seat.” I think he is a “closet Muslim,” as well as a Marxist communist. I don’t think he’s stupid, at all. He just PRETENDS to be so he won’t be blamed for his damned fool actions—things he does ON PURPOSE.

“REPUBLICAN OBSTRUCTION”: Obama is delaying action on the “immigration problem” until AFTER the election, in a patently OBVIOUS political action, and he’s blaming it on “Republican obstruction. I’m surprised he didn’t say BUSH’s obstruction. I guess he thought that would be too much of a stretch. It’s be easier for people who pay no attention to politics to believe the other lie. I’m impressed by how he so plainly LIES while expecting gullible people to believe his crap. I really hope we can get a president who tells the truth SOMETIMES after he
is gone—IF he is ever gone.

“IF CONGRESS WOULD DO ITS JOB”: That’s a favorite phrase Obama likes to use, intimating Congress isn’t doing anything while he is. But it’s “smoke and mirrors,” that means nothing. It’s NOT Congress’ job to do Obama’s bidding. By obstructing his plans, they ARE “doing their job.” It is their JOB to oppose his plans to make this into a socialist nation like Russia used to be, and still IS. Keeping on referring to Congress “not doing its job” is one of his biggest LIES, and insults the intelligence of this nation.

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