Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another Pickup Bites the Dust

Obama released another picture of one of his “air strikes” on “important targets” yesterday. It showed a lone pickup truck driving down a lonely road, until—BOOM!—a missile hit it, and it was gone. One more pickup truck goes to glory along with its driver. There was nothing more in it, as far as I could see. One wonders if he will ever get serious about this. Blowing up pickup trucks isn't going to destroy ISIS.

“SILLY LITTLE MAN”: That pretty well describes Vladmir Putin, who is a typical small man who uses his power to punish anybody (in his sphere) who “disses” him. But he can’t punish Sarah Palin, who is NOT “in his sphere,” and called him a “silly little man” after he said, “I’m not interested in invading Alaska.” What I wonder is, who cares whether or not he’s “interested” in invading Alaska? He knows that if he did, that would force that fool Obama’s hand, and he would have to unleash America’s full might upon him, and he wouldn’t survive it.

GUN FACTS: “We defend our president, congressmen, governors, celebrities, sports events, jewelry stores, banks, office buildings, factories, and courts, WITH GUNS. We defend our children with a sign that reads, “THIS IS A GUN-FREE ZONE,” and call people with guns if there’s an emergency.” Caterina Grove posted this on Patriot Action Network, but I don’t know who she was quoting. All I know is, it is a basic truth that is ignored by anti-gun fools.

BACKGROUND CHECKS: The highly touted “background checks” pushed by the anti-gun fools would never stop a dedicated gun crazy bent on shooting up a school or some other “no-gun zone.” The laws mandating such things are USELESS to stop ANYBODY from getting a gun. But they insist on continuing to pass such useless laws and “declaring victory” over gun criminals, while those criminals still get their guns from other criminals. ALL school mass shooters since 2009 could have passed such a test.

PASTOR: “ISRAEL OWNS HOLY LAND”: Despite what the liberal media thinks, and tries to convince the world of, Israel is NOT an “occupier” of land belonging to somebody else, no matter how hard Islamic terrorists (called Palestinians) deny it. THERE IS NO “Palestine,” and never has been. Therefore, there are no “Palestinians” to “own” that land. It amazes me how stupid people can publicize a lie and get many people to believe it, such as those who believe in global warming pretty much as a RELIGION, and think Israel is an “occupier” of land not theirs.

U. S. ‘NOT READY”:  We’re just not ready for a terrorist attack, mostly because of the stupid actions and policies of one Barack Hussen Obama. He’s making it amazingly easy for Muslim terrorists to infiltrate out country by refusing to enforce the border control laws. He makes everything easier for Muslims, everywhere. He works HARD to make sure most Americans will not have guns with which to defend themselves. He gives Muslims all kinds of advantages over Americans,all the time. Some say he’s just stupid. I say he’s doing exactly what he needs to do for the terrorists to win, because I think that’s what he wants.

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