Tuesday, September 9, 2014

One More "Royal"

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (Prince and Princess) are expecting, again. So now we will have yet another “royal” to support with tax money from Brits. Since they have nothing to do but have sex, I expect to see more and more “royals” be born soon. These people are inbred, and spend their subjects’ money like water, buying many “castles” and putting on airs. I, for one, am glad we no longer support these freeloaders in this country. We have our own brand of freeloaders. They’re called politicians, bureaucrats, and welfare recipients.

HAMAS PICKS AT ISRAEL: They shoot rocket bombs into Israel every day, and then they wonder why Israel shoots back. Are they STUPID, or do they think WE are? You can’t keep poking at a hornet’s nest without soon being covered by attacking hornets. Why people don’t know this simple thing I can’t figure. The way to stop Israel from attacking Palestinians is simple. Just stop bombing them. Instant end of the war. But they keep “picking” and keep whining when Israel “eats their lunch.”

BLOOMBERG’S STUPID STATEMENT: Bloomberg says he doesn’t know any 18-year-old who knows how to use a gun. Maybe he should talk to a few of our volunteer soldiers who are getting killed all over. Or maybe some of the thousands of gang members who have illegal guns, and DO know how to use them. They prove it every day on the streets of Chicago and other cities with tight anti-gun laws. People like Bloomberg have an abysmal LACK of understanding about what they’re pushing, which is why they push it. The soldiers do good, and the gang members don’t.

THEY’RE REALLY DESPERATE! The Obama administration is getting really desperate on the “global warming” question. They’ve tried every trick in the book to put it over, and have failed, because it’s an obvious SWINDLE that has made AlGore a multi-billionaire, and we KNOW it. Now they’ve got a new trick: twisting religion around so it looks like global warming is “bad” for Muslims. By the way: who gives a steaming pile of excrement about something being bad for Muslims? Funny. Isn’t it Democrats who disdain religion in conservatives? They must really think we’re STUPID, or they are. Or both.

“NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND! Obama is adamant about that. He bragged that he “ended two wars” when he told his troops to “cut and run” from Iraq and soon from Afghanistan, and will not admit he was WRONG by doing so. But trying to get rid of ISIS without going “all the way”, and that INCLUDES “boots on the ground. Further, his pissy-assed “rules of engagement” previously that forced troops to give the terrorists the first shot should be scrapped, and troops should be allowed to engage terrorists on sight, killing as many as possible. As long as we go about it in such a half-assed manner, the Islamic terrorists will keep winning.

KEEPING UP WITH THE BLOGS: I’m trying to keep up with my blogs, but it’s getting harder and harder as each day passes. When it gets where I can no longer do it, I don’t know what I’ll do. Just “fold my tent” and fade away, I guess. It’s not that it takes so much time and effort to update them every day, but it does take time and effort to do the research required. I do that seven days a week. I’ve worn out several; computers doing it. Now it’s my turn.

IT’S SEPTEMBER 9TH: Two days to the anniversary of both the original 9/11 and the attack on our embassy in Benghazi and, so far, Obama has done nothing about either but bluster and tell us he “has no plan” as to what to do about it. If he had any sense, his troops would already be there killing Islamic terrorists. But Obama doesn’t want to do that. He just wants us to THINK he’s doing something while he’s not really doing them much damage.

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