Saturday, February 2, 2013

Every Day A Panic

Yesterday it was “gun violence.” The next day it’s “immigration reform.” The next, “football injuries.” And the like. There are many more I could name, but I don’t have room here. I’m sure you can think of a few. Obama’s health care swindle was one. Even to the point where Nancy Peelosi made that stupid statement that,”We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” The whole idea is to STAMPEDE us into agreeing to laws and regulations they could have never foisted upon us without that panic. Wake UP! You’re being USED!

WHAT IS WRONG WITH OBAMA? He KNOWS leaving our borders wide open will give Islamic terrorists a wide open path into the United States with their bombs, stupid suicide bombers and other ways to kill Americans. But he still insists on refusing to enforce the laws that make our borders safer. Why? Does he WANT Islamic terrorists to come here and create the kind of chaos seen in Islamic countries? If he continues on the course he is steering now, that’s what we’re going to get. Islamic terrorism is a “cancerous tumor on America and the world” and he wants to bring it here. He has PROVEN he is, if not a Muslim terrorist himself, he IS a Muslim terrorist SYMPATHIZER.

THE BEST KNOWN CON: Tell your opponent if he will give you want you want now, you’ll give him what he wants later. Get what he then gives you and NEVER give him what you promised. That’s the “standard con” politicians (mostly Democrats) have used for many years and other politicians continue to fall for it. Reagan did; Bush (the elder) did; Carter did; Clinton and Bush (the younger) did, and now Obama (the master con man) is using it on the Congress. I expect them to fall for it.

BASELINE BUDGETING: That’s yet another con ALL politicians in Washington (and elsewhere) use on the general populace. Every year, the budget is DESIGNED to give ALL AGENCIES a 10% increase in funding. If that doesn’t happen, or the amount is less (say, 7%), they call it a “cut.” Or a “draconian cut.” Don’t fall for it.

DOESN’T PAY TO CRITICIZE CHINA: The New York Times is being hacked; by the Chinese; after they wrote an article criticizing the current Chinese dictator. Chinese government says it didn’t happen; hacking is illegal in China. Since when did a communist dictator care about that? They think they’re ABOVE the law. Laws don’t stop them from attacking their enemies.

UNIONS NOW SCRAMBLING TO AVOID COSTS: The staunchest supporters in the land of Obama’s health care swindle were the unions—until they discovered it was going to cost them money. Now they’re scrambling to avoid the high costs that plan puts on them. They found out (along with the rest of us) what was IN the plan AFTER it was passed, just as Nancy Peelosi said in one of the stupidest statements I’ve ever heard a politician make.

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