Thursday, February 28, 2013

A "Red Herring"

The “sequester” controversy in Washington (but nowhere else) is nothing but Obama’s attempt to gain support for his determination NOT to cut ANY costs, EVER. But they’re beginning to see through his lies and are IGNORING the “sequester” because they know it will not affect them unless Obama ORDERS the things that he is saying WILL happen to become reality. And he may well do so, just to PUNISH them.

IT’S NEVER HIS FAULT: Every time something happens because of Obama’s (and his “band of thieves”) incompetence, he denies responsibility for it. He’s blaming Napoltano for releasing 1,000 illegal aliens. He blamed Hillary for four embassy staff (including an ambassador) being murdered while the administration REFUSED to send help in Benghazi, Libya. And he has used that scam to deny responsibility for many other things.

COPS SUPPORT SECOND AMENDMENT: That is, the “rank and file cops” who are “in the trenches” do. It’s only SOME of the “police politicians” who support gun control laws that PREVENT people from being able to defend THEMSELVES; Something they have shown themselves to be quite able to do, while the cops are still ON THE WAY to the “crime scene” to “take names” and clean it up.

GRAFFITI IS AGAINST THE LAW: Not because it is vandalism and is defacement. It is illegal because it hurts PRIVATE PROPERTY and requires THE OWNERS of the property to spend THEIR MONEY to clean it up. It also makes that PRIVATE PROPERTY worth less money. That makes it a crime. If I walked up on a graffiti “artist” at work, I’d “slap him silly” and hold him for the cops (who would probably let him go as soon as I was out of sight)—which is one reason why graffiti is so ubiquitous. The cops just don’t care, for the most part.

BLAMING REPUBLICANS: The Obama administration has released 1,000 illegal aliens, some of whom will commit serious crimes, maybe even including rape and murder. And Obama will dutifully blame those crimes on the Republicans because of their efforts to stop his prolific spending of YOUR MONEY. Obama doesn’t want to stop, or even REDUCE his lavish spending on his “giveaway programs” designed to buy votes. So he orders the release if illegals and claims it is because of the "cuts."

RACIST EVENTS: The Obama accomplices like to accuse ANYBODY who disagrees with him or any of his accomplices of RACISM. But REAL racism is having events just for “people of color” or designated for ONLY a certain group, “others need nor come, nor apply.”

YOU WILL NOT NOTICE: When the “Sequester” goes into effect, you will not notice, unless Obama ARBITRARILY makes the things he threatened, happen. The amount of REDUCTIONS in INCREASES specified by the “Sequester” is SO SMALL, it will make no difference to the government, Obama’s LIES notwithstanding.

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