Sunday, February 17, 2013

5-Year-Old Labeled A Terrorist!

In what kind of TWISTED MIND could a 5-year-old little girl be a terrorist? Apparently she can, according to this school "official in Mt. Carmel, PA."   This "official" called the PC Police and they suspended her and called her a "terrorist threat" for talking abut a "Hello Kitty" bubble gum gun. How STUPID is this so-called "official?

LEFT GOES VIOLENT, MEDIA SLEEPS: Yet another illustration of how the liberal media ignores anything that will make liberals look bad, Three times lately a LEFTIE has gone on killing sprees, the best known being Christopher Dorner. Another wanted to start a civil war in America to “soften us up” so Islamic terrorists could take over. And there has not been a PEEP in the media about the leftward leaning of these people. Can they BE more transparent?

BOEHNOR GAVE O WHAT HE WANTED: And he “upped the ante.” Obama is not going to agree to ANYTHING, and is going to say the REPUBLICANS are the ones who will not cooperate. I’m amazed that so few can see this. This con man continues to try and con us. But many of us (who pay attention to politics) are starting to see through his lies.

OBAMA BREAKING PROMISES: Every time Obama breaks a promise, people express themselves as “surprised.” Why” Obama has made a BUSINESS of breaking promises. The most obvious one was his promise to “cut the deficit in half before the end of my first term.” Instead, he RAISED the deficit by becoming the FIRST trillion dollar deficit president in history.

“WORKPLACE VIOLENCE”: Our phony president REFUSES to call the Ft. Hood massacre Islamic terrorism, even though the shooter was shouting “Allahu Akbar!” as he was shooting. What the hell will it take to convince this FOOL there is a war going on, and WE are the targets of Islamic terrorism? Damn, I’ve seen some fools in that office, but this one is the WORST I’ve ever seen!

DEATH PANELS: Sarah Palin paid a “political price” for saying there were going to be “death panels” who decide who gets life-saving” measures when they need it, and now even DEMOCRATS are saying it. Will anybody apologize to Sarah and publicly exonerate her from the fool things they’ve said about her? Not a chance! Liberals don’t apologize when their silly mistakes are found out. They just ignore it and go on as if nothing happened. And to hell with the people they've destroyed.

CIVILIAN CASUALTIES: They are inevitable in any war. But the Islamic terrorists put innocent civilians IN THE WAY of danger so they can talk about “civilian casualties” on our side, but they ignore those they kill.. These are the kind of people who strap civilians to the front of tanks (if they had any) and go into battle. We then have to decide whether to let our people die or take a chance on killing those civilians.

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