Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Holder Should Be Fired

Not asked to resign. He should be FIRED and denied that lucrative retirement plan the congress settled upon all government employees (including themselves). For the SECOND time in recent memory he claimed IGNORANCE of what’s going on in the law enforcement community. He knew NOT of the “problem” of the NYPD “investigating” Muslims. This man is the BOSS of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. He should know EVERYTHING that is going on in law enforcement that will affect Americans. If he DOESN’T, he is INCOMPETENT and should be REMOVED. Violently if necessary.

“INVESTIGATING” MUSLIMS: Then there is the “controversy” over the NYPD having the TEMERITY to “investigate” Muslims when Muslim extremists are wantonly KILLING Americans and others all over the world, INCLUDING America, sending “deep cover agents” into our country to “eyeball” the possibilities for attacks and even doing the attacks themselves if they can. The idea of QUIETLY investigating Muslims is LOGICAL and COMMON SENSE since the extremists want to KILL us for believing differently than they do. Did we “investigate” Germans and Japanese during WWII? Damn straight we did, and it was NOT a local police agency that did the investigating.

“WEANING AMERICA” OFF FOSSIL FUELS: Obama has said he wants to “wean the American people off fossil fuels onto renewable fuels.” WHAT “renewable fuels?” There aren’t any that are viable so, like his promise to “bankrupt the coal industry,” this is a STUPID thing to say. “Wean us” to WHAT? Who does he think he is that he has the right to “wean us” off of ANYTHING? What an egotistical FOOL this guy is!

BUT HOW MANY JOBS WERE LOST? They’re making a big thing about 227,000 “new jobs,” but say NOTHING about the number of jobs that were LOST during the same time period. This is typical Obama technique: tell you what sounds good, while ignoring figures that mitigate the good ones. The fact remains that millions of people can’t find jobs, and many have given up and are thus not counted as part of the work force, making for better unemployment figures.

“AN AWAY GAME”: That’s what Mitt Romney calls his campaigning in Alabama, A “southern state.” This shows how he looks at people in Alabama. Like another politician once said he thought he should have to get a PASSPORT to visit a state in “the hinterlands.” This is how most “elites” look at “the people,” which is a code meaning “our subjects.” Romney is part of the “elite ruling class” in America. The GOP figures it’s “his turn” to get the nomination.

A GOOD REASON NOT TO RE-ELECT OBAMA: His 2012 motto is, “It could be worse.” To which author (and great Tweeter) Janie Johnson added, “Re-elect us and we’ll prove it.” Thanks, Jamie. I get a lot of good info from your Tweets. Keep up the good work.

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