Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DNC Chair Qualifications

Apparently the qualifications to become Democrat Party Chair are simple: being able to lie skillfully and with aplomb; and the ability to have complete confidence when all is lost. Terry McCauliffe, just before the Democrats lost BIG, said, “Democrats are in better shape than ever before.” Maybe that’s why he is the FORMER Democrat chair. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the current chair, lies with aplomb and will lie with a straight face when she KNOWS the proof of her lie is in your hand.

HOW TO BALANCE THE BUDGET: Politicians on both sides of the aisle worry a lot about how to balance the budget, but nobody seems able to come up with the answer; which just proves the INCOMPETENCE of all known politicians in office today. The answer is simple: stop giving away money. Stop spending more money than you take in. It’s as simple as that. And if a simple guy like me can figure that out, a politician who is COMPETENT should be able to, as well. But none can do it, so let’s get rid of them and try to come up with some who ARE competent.

FOX ALERT: I like Fox. It is the only cable news source I know that tells both sides and does not lie to me. That’s why liberals hate Fox. They can’t stand the TRUTH being told when they only benefit by telling lies. But one thing I don’t like about Fox is their tendency to make everything into an “alert.” John Karr picking his nose is NOT reason for a “Fox alert.” Neither is news about Denver signing Peyton Manning.

IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BRONCOS: There are many important things going on in the world, but all Denver is talking about today is Peyton Manning coming to Denver and what they’re going to do with Tim Tebow. It’s a major case of misplaced priorities. We ought to be worrying more about our incompetent president spending more money than there IS, then proposing to spend even more, while making hollow sounds about “balancing the budget.” He thinks he will be re-elected and “have five more years” to solve problems of his own making.

OBAMA LIES (AS USUAL): Remember when Obama told the nation that the Republicans “would not budge” on raising the debt limit? He was LYING through his teeth. Republicans decided to give him everything he wanted just this once to see what he’d do. He couldn’t have that because then he could no longer blame them for everything. So predictably, he LIED. But did the liberal media cover it? Not on your life!

WORLD DOUBLE STANDARD: Afghans gripe about one lone (possibly unbalanced) American killing some Afghan “civilians,” but say NOTHING about many Afghans (Taliban) killing MANY Americans. Yes, one American who had endured FOUR times in war zones, lost it. But those Taliban members aren’t “losing it,” they’re doing what they’re TOLD to do by Muslim “holy men.” And we react as if the Taliban hasn’t killed a lot of innocent people, but we have. What a LOAD that is!

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