Sunday, March 11, 2012

Do This NOW!

That’s the key word you should always look for when Obama wants to “stampede you” into helping him make a stupid law that’s going to be bad for you. He doesn’t ever want you to think about it, especially when thinking about it will cause you to realize he’s lying.

4 MILLION NEW JOBS: That’s what Obama claims, and he’s LYING, as usual. The ACTUAL number for unemployment right now is 9% (or higher), no matter how much Obama’s “massaged numbers” tell you it is approaching 8% (or less). Damn, this president really thinks we’re STUPID. And if we believe him and re-elect him, he will be right.

“PREDATORY LOANS”: Who gains from “predatory loans?” That’s what Obama and his crowd call it when lenders FOLLOW THE LAW and lend money without regard to the applicant’s ability to pay it back. Who gains from this transaction when that applicant gets foreclosed? Not the applicant, surely; and certainly not the lender. They lose money when they have to foreclose a loan. Only the government gains when they can blame that foreclosure on the “other party” to gain votes and Obama and his crowd use this scam continuously.

WHAT’S WRONG WITH WAL-MART? Everywhere Wal-Mart tries to open a new store, they meet unreasoning opposition. They bring hundreds of well-paying jobs to that community while the owners of the “mom and pop stores” can go to work for Wal-Mart and make a LOT more money than they ever did in their own business. They’re trying valiantly to improve this economy, but always meet opposition. Why is that? There is always a representative of the “anti-Wal-Mart” crowd close by, ready to pump up opposition.

WE’RE DOING IT TO OURSELVES: People constantly whine and moan about manufacturers “outsourcing” the manufacture of their products where they can get them made a LOT cheaper than they can anywhere in the United States. But they fail to realize why they do that. It’s a “which came first, the chicken or the egg” question. Americans demand high wages, backed by their unions, Therefore, it costs more than those manufacturers can afford to pay to do it hers because those same people won’t pay the price required by those high labor costs.

DAMAGING THEIR CREDIBILITY? Some members of “The Five” on Fox are worried that finding that Sharon Fluke is NOT an “innocent schoolgirl” as she claimed, but was a “plant” by the Democrats to help their efforts to divert our attention from the real issues, like the economy. that she is using a former Obama chief of staff to set up TV appearances for her. Truth is, there is no danger. The Democrats HAVE no credibility, so how can she “damage it?”

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