Thursday, May 7, 2020

You Go, Shelly!

A beauty salon owner in Dallas reopened her salon in defiance of Dallas’s close order so she could feed her kids, and so hr employees could do the same. So they arrested her, then told her if she apologized to the politicians who wanted to keep her salon closed and promised to keep it closed until the politicians told her she could open, she could avoid jail time. She told them to “go to hell. Do your damndest!” And they did. They fined her $7 grand and gave her 7 days in jail. The judge thought the politician’s orders were more important than feeding her kids. But two politicians disagreed. Ted Cruz said the judge was wrong in his ruling. The Texas Lt. Governor promised to pay her fine and go to jail in her place. At least they didn’t use SWAT to arrest her at gunpoint. The AG should intervene. Better yet the Texas Supreme Court ordered her release while the Texas governor put out an executive order prohibiting jail time for such "offenses."

SWAT RAIDS BAR: They’re not so intelligent in West Odessa, Texas when it insisted on opening against the governor’s “orders.” Like that salon owner who told a judge to “go to hell” they did the same thing. But in this case the politicians sent in the armed troops, treating that bar owner as if he was a violent criminal. I guess it’s a good thing some trigger-happy cop didn’t kill him, as one sheriff deputy did a ranch owner a few years ago when they raided his ranch based on phony charges because the sheriff wanted the land for a new sheriff’s office. Politicians are really “feeling their oats” in this virus panic, and are using it to consolidate their power.

THE HILLARY SAGA: Hillary Clinton was the first presidential candidate who spent her entire candidacy under investigation, in my memory. Joe Biden is the second. Both are Dumocrats (surprise, surprise!). It amazes me how such people can remain free while rumors swirl around them. Hillary is now fleeing the United State to Canada after more real evidence is found in her case. Joe is still telling people “it didn’t happen” about his sexual misconduct accusations, and Dumocrats are dismissing it out of hand (again surprise surprise!). Maybe one day one of them will be “nailed.” But don’t hold your breath unless you like turning blue.

WILL MICHELLE RUN? That’s a question that’s been running for a while, now, as “Ol’ Joe ponders who will be his running mate in his “doomed to failure” candidacy to run for president against the “Trump Train.” The Dumocrats are really working hard to LOSE this election with their choices and announcements as to what they plan if elected. Joe has promised to END certain essential businesses such as the coal industry, putting thousands of workers out of work and destroying the economy since, without coal there is no electricity. Two birds with one stone, as it were. And Michelle getting elected would mean a continuation of Obama’s bad decisions, since you know if Joe had Michelle as VP, Obama would be running things from the sidelines.

THEY CAME TO HELP: Now NY Gov. Cuomo wants to tax them. He says he has no choice. Their out-of-control spending has put them in a multi billion dollar deficit. But whose fault is that? His, or those people who only came there to help with the Coronavirus? I think I know the answer, even if Cuomo is too stupid. You don’t ask people for help, then charge them for coming there to help. Cuomo’s thinking is a good example of how liberals think. Scam as many people as possible, any way you can, to get more money for your wild spending.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Why did the number of virus deaths go down 50% on the CDC web site? Maybe because the CDC found out they could no longer support the lie to give themselves more power… Chicago’s mayor apparently follows the “for you but not for me” rule. Otherwise why would she go out for a haircut after denying that to her constituents? She says she’s on TV a lot, so her hair needs to look good. I don’t know how THAT hair could ever look good… President Trump wants to deny “sanctuary cities” federal funds. I’ve been wondering how long it would take for somebody to do that. It's about time. Good onya, Donald… California Gov. Newsom wants to give $75 million dollars of YOUR MONEY to illegal aliens. You need to tell him to get his hand out of your pocket… Biden thinks he has 3 degrees and was at the top of his class. It’s not true, but Biden thinks it is, or he’s lying…

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