Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Crooked Maxine Waters

There is no way this fool is not a crooked politician. She could not have accumulated all the wealth she has now on a $174,000.00 congressional salary without crooked dealings. She has not one, not two, but THREE million dollar homes, all of which are way outside the area she pretends to represent. She talks incessantly about a “wall-free society” where illegal aliens can roam free, regardless of private property concerns, while making sure they don’t “roam ree on her property. She makes sure to keep her security gates (many of them) closed on all her extravagant properties. She talks about poverty while living the life of a potentate. And she spends a lot of her time bad-mouthing a president who has done more for the poverty-stricken than she has ever done.

SHUTDOWN: WRONG MOVE: I’m sure President Trump thought he was doing the right thing by closing down the entire economy of the United States, but it was actually the exact wrong thing to do, in his lack of experience running a country instead of just a corporation. What it did was completely destroy all the good things he had done for the economy in his first three years in office. And threatened to destroy the economy, period. With nobody working and producing needed goods, there would soon be no goods on the store shelves, and people would begin to starve. Add to that the complete lack of income, and people wouldn’t be able to afford to buy what little was on those shelves, and things would collapse.

JUDGE KNOWS HE’S WRONG: The judge in the Gen. Flynn case, who went directly against the Constitution when he refused to accept the fact that the Justice Department had come to their senses and wanted to completely drop the case against the general because it was a set-up, from the word go, and insisted there be someone to argue against it in court. Which gave him a chance to maybe refuse to drop the charges or, at least, prolong Gen. Flynn’s agony while eliminating the possibility of a suit, has now taken the unusual step of hiring his own lawyer to represent him in a higher court. He knows his ruling was wrong, and now wants to be protected from the consequences of his actions. When has a judge ever needed a lawyer to defend his rulings?

MEANWHILE, IN CHICAGO… New Mayor Lori Lightfoot didn’t have time to stop gunmen from killing eight people and wounding 24. Her cops were too busy raiding a church for being open during her lockdown order. This is the kind of thing that is happening all over the country. Overzealous politicians are releasing violent criminals from jail to have room for all the worshippers they’re arresting for violating their officious orders. Would-be dictator politicians (mostly Dumocrats) are taking full advantage of the panic over the Coronavirus to deprive people of their constitutional rights.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Failed Georgia governor candidate Stacy Abrams is a fool. She wants to know why ILLEGAL aliens aren’t “able to elect anyone to represent them.” Gota clue for ya, Stacy. Murderers don’t get to vote for someone to represent them, either. If you’re a lawbreaker, you don’t have that kind of rights… Peelosi’s a damned fool, too. She still thinks President Trump was not acquitted in her failed impeachment attempt. This gal needs to have her head examined… Stupid Joe Biden tells a black radio host, “You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me.” What a helluva racist remark that is to believe ALL black people have to vote for him or they “ain’t black”… General Flynn’s attorneys have filed motions to reverse the judge’s ruling to allow opposition “testimony” from a known anti-Flynn source and remove that judge from the case altogether. That judge ought to be removed from the bench period, for cause…

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