Friday, May 1, 2020

The American Gestapo

In Wisconsin there was a mother who was allowing her daughter to go to a neighbor’s house to play when a cop showed up, telling her she was violating the “stay at home” order. The other repeatedly asked the cop questions about what law she had violated, and why she should be required to give her name. The cop continued to browbeat her, attempting to intimidate her without answering her questions. This is what we’re up against today, and it can only get worse if we allow it to. There is now a “report” saying she was “uncooperative,” while ignoring the fact that the cop never answered her questions regarding the cop’s power to hassle her. They got her name off her car license plate.

BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!” That’s what liberals (Dumocrats) say when the accuser is accusing a Republican. But it’s a whole different story when the accused is a Dumocrat. They made a big thing over accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual impropriety many years ago and brought forth a woman to testify to it who was too drunk to even be able to say what she suffered was done by Kavanaugh. Now we have a Dumocrat running for president who is accused, with evidence, and the media is believing him when he says, “It didn’t happen.” Different story, He’s a Dumocrat. Not all such accusations are true, and that has been proven in the past. So accusations need to be accompanied by EVIDENCE before they’re blindly believed.

IT WAS A SETUP: They wanted Gen. Flynn “out of there,” and he wasn’t a president, so they could start an “investigation” during which they could set a “perjury trap” they could use to put the final nail in his coffin and sent him to prison for “lying to the FBI.” Now it has been revealed (with evidence) that the FBI purposely set him up so they could accuse him of lying and put him in prison. And that they did. Not only that, then FBI director ADMITTED it—even bragged about being able to “get away with it” because it was a lax investigation. Trump needs to take criminal action against everybody involved in this atrocity. And bring it before a non-biased judge to vacate the conviction. Or in the worst case pardon Flynn.

STOPPING AMMUNITION SALES: They can’t just ban guns altogether. There’s a constitutional prohibition against it. So instead they’re going to stop the sales of ammunition, making the guns they can’t stop you from having useless pieces of metal. They say the Second Amendment doesn’t cover ammunition, but they’re wrong. Banning ammunition sales is “making a law infringing on our right to bear arms.” This is how would-be despots “get around” the Constitution. We need to stop them in their tracks.

PRACTICING MEDICINE, NO LICENSE: That’s what “Morning Joe” Scarborough is doing, every time he “diagnoses” Donald Trump as being insane. He is not a psychiatrist, and his “diagnoses” have no real meaning except to get him some extra air time because of the outrageousness of his comments. Further, every time he makes such a claim he is admitting his bias. Something he should not have as a supposed news commentator. His bosses should fire him for that, but they won’t. They probably agree with him.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Dumocrats spent millions of dollars that were not theirs to spend to prove Trump colluded with the Russians to get elected without results. There was no proof. Now proof comes out that Hillary DID “collude with Russians.” Will she be called to account? Doubtful. She’s a Dumocrat, after all… Howard Stern has just endorsed Biden for president—as if anybody cares who Stern likes. Of course, he accompanied it with an unprintable quote… A U. S. Imam has said that “Muslims have the right to take the property of Christians and Jews.” He should be immediately deported for that kind of thinking. Muslims have NO RIGHTS that American citizens do not have, including protection for their property… COVID tyranny: City tells people to stop nursing home “window visits.” That’s needless cruelty…

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