Thursday, May 28, 2020

Non-White Sleaze Balls

There are several sleaze balls in Congress who are non-white. Many people don’t dare criticize them for fear of being labeled racist. Those non-white members of Congress largely use their skin color as armor against any sort of criticism. Whenever somebody criticizes them, for any reason, they call them rracist. Because there’s non other reason to criticize them, right? WRONG! I’ve been called racist many times because I am an “equal opportunity criticizer.” Their non-whiteness makes no difference to me. If they’re wrong, they’re wrong, whatever the color of their skin. And I even criticize some white sleaze balls in Congress, too. Like Nancy Peelosi and “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff. “Fat Boy” Jerry Nadler rates it, too.

WATCHING A MURDER: Many people say we need to wait until all the facts come out before making a judgment in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. I disagree. The image of a cop, who has had many complaints against him but never disciplined kneeling with his knee on the neck of this black man is enough. What preceded it does not matter. That is excessive force, especially since the “crime” the man MAY have committed is not a violent one. Word is, he remained in that position, with his knee on the man’s neck for a full five minutes. That tells me the man’s death was NOT an accident. He was MURDERED while the world watched. The four cops involved have now been fired, but that’s not enough. They need to be prosecuted for murder.

BUT IT’S NOT RIGHT: People talk about the “separation of church and state” as if it were in the Constitution. It is NOT. It was mentioned in a letter between two of the Founders, nothing more. There is nothing in the Constitution to enforce it. Even so, the concept does not mean the elimination of ANYTHING that has to do with the government in anything that has to do with the church, It merely says, “NO LAW may be made regarding religion or the practice thereof.” That simple. That means ANY LAW made to keep government out of the church is unconstitutional, as well as is one made to let the government intrude on religion. But the whole concept has been twisted way out of shape to mean something not meant by the founders.

LOOTING NOT RIGHT: As usual, criminals in Minneapolis are taking advantage of the murder of an unarmed black man by some cops as an excuse to steal some television sets and other valuable items. That this doesn’t do anything to alleviate the problem presented by a police murder is lost on them, but they don’t care, All they’re interested in is “gittin’ somethin’ fer nuthin’.” They don’t care about the victim of this atrocity. They just want to “git whut can be got.” They show up on many videos, so the cops should identify them and arrest them, then imprison them for their crimes.

THEY JUST CAN’T TAKE IT: One guest on Fox gave Trump’s new press secretary a lot of guff because she doesn’t take crap from anybody—Trump’s kind of press secretary. She has all her ducks in a row and refuses to let them buffalo her. They’re not used to that, and they’re complaining—something they do best. But it isn’t going to do them much good. Refusing to be buffaloed means calls for her resignation will be ignored. She will continue to do her job in the best way she knows how—and that frightens the press. They don’t know how to handle that.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Michigan’s AG is now threatening that Ford plant for “letting” President Trump tour part of the plant without a face mask, Somebody ought to tell this AG that you don’t “let” the president of the United States do anything. What he wants to do, he does… “Sleepy Joe” Biden apparently doesn’t even know who he’s running against. Recently, on CNBC he blurted out, “I’m going to beat Joe Biden!” How senile that is… Dumocrats now want Michelle Obama as Biden’s VP pick. That’s the absolute best way to guarantee a loss… Kathy Griffith ruined her own career with that “severed head of Trump” picture, then blamed Trump for it. Typical Dumbocrat…

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