Friday, May 22, 2020

Ignoring Obvious Evidence

Dumocrats are trying hard to gin up “evidence” of wrongdoing on the part of President Trump while trying their best to IGNORE real evidence against Dumocrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. They even tried impeaching Trump on phony charges, and failed. They have spent millions of dollars in their efforts and will spend even more millions of dollars if they aren’t stopped. They have unlimited funds to help them according to current law, and that should change—immediately. Or suffer the consequences the next time a Dumocrat is in the White House. Biden threatened to withhold billions in foreign aid if the prosecutor investigating his son was not fired. And when he was fired, went on TV and BRAGGED about it. If that’s not “clear and convincing evidence of wrongdoing,” I don’t know what is.

EXTREMIST MUSLIMS ARE RAPISTS: They think every woman not a Muslim woman WANTS to be raped by a Muslim man. Probably figure the same thing about Muslim women too, which is probably why they insist on dressing them in what can be described as a one-woman tent so they will not see them as women, at all. They’re arrogant enough to think they can rape women at will, and that is their right. I heard one Muslim tell us, “Your women are ours to rape.” A stupid statement, but one I’m sure he, in his arrogance, believes.

NO CONSTITUTIONAL EXCEPTION: Many governors in America are treating this Coronavirus as an “exception” to the Constitution, thinking they can ignore our constitutional rights using the virus as an excuse. They cannot. But they don’t realize that, in their ignorance. They go about willy-nilly “ordering” us to stay at home, not gather anywhere, for any reason, particularly for religion. They apply unusually high fines for people who exercise their rights and even jail them. They don’t realize the retaliation that will inevitably come after we begin to understand that their excesses can be punished, later. After the damage has been done.

EATING BOILED BABIES”: Nation columnist Katha Politt says, “I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled and ate babies.” which shows the depths of depravity rife among Dumocrats. Actually that’s not so surprising, considering the fact that most Dumocrats favor doing everything to babies up to, but not including eating them. Abortion is murder because it stills a beating heart, but a majority of Dumocrats approve. That, alone, makes them unelectable in my book. But there are many other reasons not to ever vote for a Dumocrat.

STRANGE DECISIONS: The rule that governors use to decide which businesses are “essential” and which are not is a mystery to me—and I guess to everybody else, including the governors, themselves. They allow gay bars to stay open, as well as regular bars and liquor stores; they allow up to 50 customers at a time in restaurants, but limit churches to ten people, or close them, altogether. I don’t drink, so I’m not sure just how important drinking is. Nor am I gay, so I don’t know about that, either. But still the decisions on which to allow to open are, to me, very strange. Seems to me they’re just guessing, and are just flexing their dictatorial muscle.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The captain of the women’s soccer team says we have a white nationalist in the White House. Somebody ought to tell her nobody gives a damn what she says, ever… The Michigan governor—you know, the one who has visions of becoming a dictator—is now telling people she wants to be Biden’s VP. She must think it takes a dictator to do that job… Nancy Peelosi calls President Trump “morbidly obese,” but Nancy is “morbidly stupid”… They keep asking me if I would vote for Obama to have a third term. The question is moot. The Constitution forbids it so he couldn’t do what Bloomberg and run anyway. But the answer is a big NO! I wouldn’t vote for this fool for dogcatcher. His wife, neither… Biden just won the Oregon Dumocrat Primary. That’s a laugh! How could he NOT win? He’s the only one left running…

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