Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Princess Nancy's Fed Up!

She’s tired of being asked about the sexual advances of her party’s choice to run for president. Yesterday she said, “I “m satisfied.” Today she says “It’s a closed issue. I won’t be answering any more questions about it. She wishes. After her minions made life torture for a long time for now Justice Brett Kavanaugh, asking him and his defenders interminable questions after making unfounded accusations of sexual impropriety back in the stone ages, she’s tired of being subjected to the same thing. Apparently she thinks since she’s “The Princess,” she doesn’t have to answer such questions.

POLITICIANS FEELING THEIR OATS: Governors, all over the country, are “giving orders” not backed by law to their citizens and applying unconstitutional “cruel and unusual punishment” when opposed. A major example of that was one mother who reopened her salon “against orders” so she could feed her children. She was arrested, fines $7,000.00, and jailed for seven days. That $7 grand was “cruel and unusual punishment” in itself, but adding a seven day jail sentence for a woman just trying to feed her children is extreme, but that is just one way “the authorities” are “running wild” using this virus as an excuse.

NANCY’S AT IT AGAIN! She’s holding up important legislation designed to help the people who are unemployed by the virus until she gets some of her giveaway program funding included. This, instead of working WITH the president to help people. Meanwhile, she’s falsely accusing President Trump of “killing thousands by his ineffective reaction to the virus” while, at the same time Trump has saved those thousands of lives in SPITE of her interference. More thousands are going to die. We can’t stop that. All we can do is try and minimize the number of deaths, and that’s what we’re doing—while also trying to save the economy.

DESTROYING THE ECONOMY: Big time. President Trump brought the economy back, in short order, and then he took it to new highs, all in the first three years of his first term. All this against the determined opposition to ANYTHING he did from the Dumocrats. Then along came the Coronavirus. We shut down the economy to “keep people at home” so they wouldn’t get the virus. But by shutting down the economy we are crippling ourselves financially, which can only make it impossible to combat the virus in the future, and millions more will die because we will not be able to afford what we need to keep them alive. Meanwhile the Dumocrats blame Trump for everything bad.

A FUTILE EFFORT: Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg is a wholly political appointee to the Court. Unashamedly so. Just as that losing Georgia candidate Stacy Abrams is unashamedly a racist, she is a political animal. she’s now 87 years old, and should be enjoying herself in retirement. Instead, she’s still sitting on then Court and suffering many medical problems she might not have had to have faced if she wasn’t determined to stop President Trump from being able to appoint one more justice. She’s risking her very life to do so, but dedicated political animals do that. I do not expect her to be there much longer.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Nancy Peelosi says, about Tara Reid’s accusation, “It’s a closed issue.” Really, Nance, on whose authority? You wish it was… “Victims who shoot back live longer.” Some people say this as a joke, but there’s a lot of truth there… Another joke based on truth is this: “Criminals who are shot and killed don’t victimize many people later”… Here’s a comprehensive Dumocrat list of what Trump is doing wrong: “Everything”… I get really tired of being told all about a “great breakthrough” such as one of Kim Jong Stupid’s bodyguards defecting and bringing secrets with him, then never hearing anything more… Communist Chinese “authorities” are “ordering” Americans to shut up about their handling of the virus. Do they really think that will stop anybody from talking? I don’t think so...Sending that mother to jail for trying to feed her family is a gross abuse of power and those that did it need to be removed, forthwith, and prosecuted for it… 

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