Friday, May 29, 2020

Fact-Checking Twitter

They recently “fact-checked” one of President Trump’s Tweets—not a good idea. The president can do a bunch of things that make life hard for them. Especially since the “fact-checker” they hired is a known Trump-hater who once called Trump a Nazi. Proof of his bias is evident, and he should not be in a position to say bad things about Trump from a “position of importance.” Trump should not be in a position to censor Twitter, but neither should Twitter be in a position to censor the president—or anybody else.

JUST CALL IT RACISM: That seems to be the growing scam being used by the Dumbocrats these days. If it hurts them, they call it racism. If they don’t like it, for any reason, call it racism. What that does is cause their critics to immediately go into defensive mode because they don’t want people to think they’re racist. Forgotten is the original subject of the debate, and that’s what the Dumbocrats want. That way, they don’t have to come up with answers to the original question—which they can’t do, because there may not BE answers that don’t prove them wrong. President Trump said a new word in criticism of some Dumbocrat. It was, “Human Capital.” And AOC immediately labeled it racism, even though she has used the same reference, herself.

OPPORTUNITY TO LOOT: What’s happening in Minneapolis has nothing to do with the murder of a petty criminal by an out-of-control cop. It has everything to do with giving other petty criminals an excuse to loot honest business people and steal their property. Others set fire to the private property of other business people and generally create blind violence. They got so strong in their thuggishness they frightened an entire police station into fleeing. Yet that did nothing to help the situation. It did give them some satisfaction to see the cops “saddle up” and flee. Seeing that made me want to vomit.

POLITICIANS ARE THE PROBLEM: Everybody’s asking what the problem is in Minneapolis, where an out-of-control cop murdered a petty criminal over a (possibly) counterfeit $20 bill. They blame everything but the real cause: Dumbocrat rule. Incompetent politicians putting ties on the hands of those “in the trenches” that keep them from doing what needs to be done. That’s how that cop got away with abusing his power 19 times, some of those including violence against citizens, without being punished. And of course when the inevitable happens, who gets the blame? Why, Trump, of course! They manage to twist things to blame Trump, when he had nothing to do with it.

TYPICAL DEMOCRAT FACT TWISTING: President Trump came out and mentioned “shooting” in Minneapolis, referring to the shot that were fired among the demonstrators. Dumbocrats immediately insisted that he was threatening to shoot demonstrators (looters, thugs, etc.) In one spot there, thugs has scrawled the words, “Good cops, dead cops.” That made me want to vomit. Yes, criminals think the only good cops are dead cops. Like 100 years ago they thought good Indians are dead Indians.” Many fools still think that. But If the cops weren’t there, this world would descend inevitably into chaos where only the strong survive by killing the weak.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They vastly overestimated it. California hospitals are in deep doo-do after spending a lot of money preparing for a Coronavirus surge that never came. The same is true elsewhere. Several hospital ships showed up in population centers to handle the expected overflow and left after seeing one or two patients.… George Floyd is dead. We can’t reverse that. But maybe we can send a signal to the kind of cop who would rest his knee on a man’s carotid artery for more than five minutes that he shouldn’t have done it. He had to know he was killing that man, and three other cops on the scene didn’t bother to stop himInteresting. Twitter tags a Trump Tweet for “fomenting violence when he wasn’t, yet does nothing about others on the left who DO. Seems a little biased to me…

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Non-White Sleaze Balls

There are several sleaze balls in Congress who are non-white. Many people don’t dare criticize them for fear of being labeled racist. Those non-white members of Congress largely use their skin color as armor against any sort of criticism. Whenever somebody criticizes them, for any reason, they call them rracist. Because there’s non other reason to criticize them, right? WRONG! I’ve been called racist many times because I am an “equal opportunity criticizer.” Their non-whiteness makes no difference to me. If they’re wrong, they’re wrong, whatever the color of their skin. And I even criticize some white sleaze balls in Congress, too. Like Nancy Peelosi and “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff. “Fat Boy” Jerry Nadler rates it, too.

WATCHING A MURDER: Many people say we need to wait until all the facts come out before making a judgment in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. I disagree. The image of a cop, who has had many complaints against him but never disciplined kneeling with his knee on the neck of this black man is enough. What preceded it does not matter. That is excessive force, especially since the “crime” the man MAY have committed is not a violent one. Word is, he remained in that position, with his knee on the man’s neck for a full five minutes. That tells me the man’s death was NOT an accident. He was MURDERED while the world watched. The four cops involved have now been fired, but that’s not enough. They need to be prosecuted for murder.

BUT IT’S NOT RIGHT: People talk about the “separation of church and state” as if it were in the Constitution. It is NOT. It was mentioned in a letter between two of the Founders, nothing more. There is nothing in the Constitution to enforce it. Even so, the concept does not mean the elimination of ANYTHING that has to do with the government in anything that has to do with the church, It merely says, “NO LAW may be made regarding religion or the practice thereof.” That simple. That means ANY LAW made to keep government out of the church is unconstitutional, as well as is one made to let the government intrude on religion. But the whole concept has been twisted way out of shape to mean something not meant by the founders.

LOOTING NOT RIGHT: As usual, criminals in Minneapolis are taking advantage of the murder of an unarmed black man by some cops as an excuse to steal some television sets and other valuable items. That this doesn’t do anything to alleviate the problem presented by a police murder is lost on them, but they don’t care, All they’re interested in is “gittin’ somethin’ fer nuthin’.” They don’t care about the victim of this atrocity. They just want to “git whut can be got.” They show up on many videos, so the cops should identify them and arrest them, then imprison them for their crimes.

THEY JUST CAN’T TAKE IT: One guest on Fox gave Trump’s new press secretary a lot of guff because she doesn’t take crap from anybody—Trump’s kind of press secretary. She has all her ducks in a row and refuses to let them buffalo her. They’re not used to that, and they’re complaining—something they do best. But it isn’t going to do them much good. Refusing to be buffaloed means calls for her resignation will be ignored. She will continue to do her job in the best way she knows how—and that frightens the press. They don’t know how to handle that.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Michigan’s AG is now threatening that Ford plant for “letting” President Trump tour part of the plant without a face mask, Somebody ought to tell this AG that you don’t “let” the president of the United States do anything. What he wants to do, he does… “Sleepy Joe” Biden apparently doesn’t even know who he’s running against. Recently, on CNBC he blurted out, “I’m going to beat Joe Biden!” How senile that is… Dumocrats now want Michelle Obama as Biden’s VP pick. That’s the absolute best way to guarantee a loss… Kathy Griffith ruined her own career with that “severed head of Trump” picture, then blamed Trump for it. Typical Dumbocrat…

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Crooked Maxine Waters

There is no way this fool is not a crooked politician. She could not have accumulated all the wealth she has now on a $174,000.00 congressional salary without crooked dealings. She has not one, not two, but THREE million dollar homes, all of which are way outside the area she pretends to represent. She talks incessantly about a “wall-free society” where illegal aliens can roam free, regardless of private property concerns, while making sure they don’t “roam ree on her property. She makes sure to keep her security gates (many of them) closed on all her extravagant properties. She talks about poverty while living the life of a potentate. And she spends a lot of her time bad-mouthing a president who has done more for the poverty-stricken than she has ever done.

SHUTDOWN: WRONG MOVE: I’m sure President Trump thought he was doing the right thing by closing down the entire economy of the United States, but it was actually the exact wrong thing to do, in his lack of experience running a country instead of just a corporation. What it did was completely destroy all the good things he had done for the economy in his first three years in office. And threatened to destroy the economy, period. With nobody working and producing needed goods, there would soon be no goods on the store shelves, and people would begin to starve. Add to that the complete lack of income, and people wouldn’t be able to afford to buy what little was on those shelves, and things would collapse.

JUDGE KNOWS HE’S WRONG: The judge in the Gen. Flynn case, who went directly against the Constitution when he refused to accept the fact that the Justice Department had come to their senses and wanted to completely drop the case against the general because it was a set-up, from the word go, and insisted there be someone to argue against it in court. Which gave him a chance to maybe refuse to drop the charges or, at least, prolong Gen. Flynn’s agony while eliminating the possibility of a suit, has now taken the unusual step of hiring his own lawyer to represent him in a higher court. He knows his ruling was wrong, and now wants to be protected from the consequences of his actions. When has a judge ever needed a lawyer to defend his rulings?

MEANWHILE, IN CHICAGO… New Mayor Lori Lightfoot didn’t have time to stop gunmen from killing eight people and wounding 24. Her cops were too busy raiding a church for being open during her lockdown order. This is the kind of thing that is happening all over the country. Overzealous politicians are releasing violent criminals from jail to have room for all the worshippers they’re arresting for violating their officious orders. Would-be dictator politicians (mostly Dumocrats) are taking full advantage of the panic over the Coronavirus to deprive people of their constitutional rights.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Failed Georgia governor candidate Stacy Abrams is a fool. She wants to know why ILLEGAL aliens aren’t “able to elect anyone to represent them.” Gota clue for ya, Stacy. Murderers don’t get to vote for someone to represent them, either. If you’re a lawbreaker, you don’t have that kind of rights… Peelosi’s a damned fool, too. She still thinks President Trump was not acquitted in her failed impeachment attempt. This gal needs to have her head examined… Stupid Joe Biden tells a black radio host, “You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me.” What a helluva racist remark that is to believe ALL black people have to vote for him or they “ain’t black”… General Flynn’s attorneys have filed motions to reverse the judge’s ruling to allow opposition “testimony” from a known anti-Flynn source and remove that judge from the case altogether. That judge ought to be removed from the bench period, for cause…

Monday, May 25, 2020

It's About Time!

I’ve been wondering for a long time why former FBI Director Comey is still out of prison. It’s because nobody seems to have found it necessary to properly investigate the FBI’s handling of the General Flynn “investigation.” Now current FBI Director Wray has finally, after much delay, ordered that investigation, hopefully to get some of the dirt off the FBI’s skirts. Wow! They now tell us that the FBI has no authority to file criminal charges against former employees. They waited until they could no longer prosecute him. Well, who DOES? There must be some way to punish them for putting a decorated war hero through such a turmoil, causing him to go bankrupt, and even putting him in jail

IS BIN LADEN DEAD? Yes, the Obama administration did a good job of convincing this country his people killed bin Laden just before his re-election. But did he really? Or did he just set it up try to look like he did to give himself a boost in getting re-elected for another four years, so he could screw this country up even more? Some people say that’s true, but I don’t think so. I say that because since then, we haven’t heard a peep out of bin Laden, and if he were still alive the terrorists would be moving Heaven and Earth to prove it. Videos showing him, moving around, showing the front pages of newspapers with dates evident. There would be terrorist “events” done in his name. Everything they could to convince us we were lied to. Al Quida would be very active, and he would be very visible in every terrorist act.

THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND: What part of “shall not be infringed” do the anti-gun fools not understand? There are two fatal flaws in the anti-gun movement in this country. The Constitution PROHIBITS laws that “infringe” on our right to “bear arms” and; their laws don’t work. None of them. Not a ONE of them. They claim they are making those silly laws to “reduce gun crime.” They do not. They only INCREASE gun crime by DISARMING the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for the lawless, who don’t obey ANY laws. They create such stupidities as “gun-free ones,” which are routinely IGNORED by the lawless and only obeyed by the law abiding, who are not the problem, leaving the field open to the lawless, who SEEK OUT gun free zones, in which to do their “dirty work.”

A BAD DECISION: Shutting down the economy because of the Coronavirus was a bad decision, and I put it down to the newness to the job of our current president. In his lack of experience he took some bad advice, and managed to destroy all the good he had done in his first three years. Playing tight into the hands of that subversive Dumocrat Party. The economy going to hell is just what they want, and you can count on them blaming Trump for everything bad that happens because of the “shutdown,” ignoring the virus as a causative factor. All they will point up is that the economy went “down the tubes.” Shutting down was supposed to be “the cure,” but it soon became evident that the cure was worse than the disease.

IS TRUMP A DEMAGOGUE? “Fredo” Cuomo says President Trump is a demagogue for “ordering” governors to let churches be open. That’s a typical response from someone who would support a dictator of one rose. It’s a demagogue calling a rightful president a demagogue. The Constitution says clearly, that the Congress “shall make no laws regarding religion or the practice thereof.” It does not say the government can ignore that for a virus. That’s an abuse of power, almost exclusively by Dumocrats. There is no exception for ANYTHING, including a virus lock-down which, in itself, is unconstitutional.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The DOJ has announced charges against an election official in Philadelphia for stuffing a ballot box to help—guess who?-- Dumocrats… The dictatorial Michigan governor put out an executive order banning people from going to their summer homes—then she went to HER summer home. Guess her dictates only apply to the “proles”… Is the CDC just guessing? First they tell us use of face masks can protect us, and others. Then they tell us it won’t. Then they tell us to sanitize all surfaces. Now they tell us that won’t help because the virus doesn’t spread easily that way… The Coronavirus is killing people all over the country, and what are the Dumocrat members of The House doing? Going on vacation, that’s what. They’ve been in session for just two days, so far this month, and they’re going on vacation AGAIN. Of what USE are they? I don’t know…

Friday, May 22, 2020

Ignoring Obvious Evidence

Dumocrats are trying hard to gin up “evidence” of wrongdoing on the part of President Trump while trying their best to IGNORE real evidence against Dumocrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. They even tried impeaching Trump on phony charges, and failed. They have spent millions of dollars in their efforts and will spend even more millions of dollars if they aren’t stopped. They have unlimited funds to help them according to current law, and that should change—immediately. Or suffer the consequences the next time a Dumocrat is in the White House. Biden threatened to withhold billions in foreign aid if the prosecutor investigating his son was not fired. And when he was fired, went on TV and BRAGGED about it. If that’s not “clear and convincing evidence of wrongdoing,” I don’t know what is.

EXTREMIST MUSLIMS ARE RAPISTS: They think every woman not a Muslim woman WANTS to be raped by a Muslim man. Probably figure the same thing about Muslim women too, which is probably why they insist on dressing them in what can be described as a one-woman tent so they will not see them as women, at all. They’re arrogant enough to think they can rape women at will, and that is their right. I heard one Muslim tell us, “Your women are ours to rape.” A stupid statement, but one I’m sure he, in his arrogance, believes.

NO CONSTITUTIONAL EXCEPTION: Many governors in America are treating this Coronavirus as an “exception” to the Constitution, thinking they can ignore our constitutional rights using the virus as an excuse. They cannot. But they don’t realize that, in their ignorance. They go about willy-nilly “ordering” us to stay at home, not gather anywhere, for any reason, particularly for religion. They apply unusually high fines for people who exercise their rights and even jail them. They don’t realize the retaliation that will inevitably come after we begin to understand that their excesses can be punished, later. After the damage has been done.

EATING BOILED BABIES”: Nation columnist Katha Politt says, “I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled and ate babies.” which shows the depths of depravity rife among Dumocrats. Actually that’s not so surprising, considering the fact that most Dumocrats favor doing everything to babies up to, but not including eating them. Abortion is murder because it stills a beating heart, but a majority of Dumocrats approve. That, alone, makes them unelectable in my book. But there are many other reasons not to ever vote for a Dumocrat.

STRANGE DECISIONS: The rule that governors use to decide which businesses are “essential” and which are not is a mystery to me—and I guess to everybody else, including the governors, themselves. They allow gay bars to stay open, as well as regular bars and liquor stores; they allow up to 50 customers at a time in restaurants, but limit churches to ten people, or close them, altogether. I don’t drink, so I’m not sure just how important drinking is. Nor am I gay, so I don’t know about that, either. But still the decisions on which to allow to open are, to me, very strange. Seems to me they’re just guessing, and are just flexing their dictatorial muscle.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The captain of the women’s soccer team says we have a white nationalist in the White House. Somebody ought to tell her nobody gives a damn what she says, ever… The Michigan governor—you know, the one who has visions of becoming a dictator—is now telling people she wants to be Biden’s VP. She must think it takes a dictator to do that job… Nancy Peelosi calls President Trump “morbidly obese,” but Nancy is “morbidly stupid”… They keep asking me if I would vote for Obama to have a third term. The question is moot. The Constitution forbids it so he couldn’t do what Bloomberg and run anyway. But the answer is a big NO! I wouldn’t vote for this fool for dogcatcher. His wife, neither… Biden just won the Oregon Dumocrat Primary. That’s a laugh! How could he NOT win? He’s the only one left running…

Thursday, May 21, 2020

"Common Sense Gun Control"

Talk about a contradiction in terms! There is no such thing as “common sense” in gun control laws and regulations because no matter how many of them you make, not a single one of them does what it is touted to do—stop, or slow down “gun crime.” Instead, they INCREASE gun crime by disarming the law-abiding, leaving them defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there. One of the most stupid “common sense” things out there is posting a SIGN labeling a certain area as a “gun-free zone.” If anybody expects a lawbreaker to see that sign and say to himself, “They don’t want guns there so I’d better take mine back home.”

RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION: I never thought I’d see it in this country, but dictatorial governors and other local politicians are “targeting” churches because part of their faith is “congregating.” And they want to congregate, in spite of the Coronavirus. They observe all the safety precautions and “social distancing,” and regular hand washing, but they still insist on congregating. It’s part of their beliefs. Some politicians are fining churches big bucks for congregating. One city fined a church $500.00 for holding services. Somebody needs to remind them about the Constitution and its prohibition on making ANY laws regarding religion or the practice thereof.

STUPID CRACKS ABOUT TRUMP: House Speaker Nancy Peelosi topped them all with her recent “morbidly obese” accusation regarding President Trump. Anybody with eyes can see the lie there, but she keeps repeating it, as if she thought she could make it try=ue by repeating it. Others say he is incompetent, illiterate, and has no idea what he’s doing. They fail to notice how effective he has been in creating one of the best economies in this nation’s history before disaster struck in the form of the Coronavirus.

REVIVING SOCIALISM: I remember a day when being a socialist would cause the socialist believer to be ostracized in this country, and rightly so. Socialism produces NO new wealth. It merely steals the wealth created by the producers and “redistributes” it to people who produce no new wealth. But today socialism has become “main stream” in this country due to the years and years of brainwashing schools and colleges have been doing on their students. Those students now are firm believers in socialism, and that’s wrong. As they go forth in life and begin to run this country, socialism will ruin us as it did Russia and Venezuela.

IGNORANCE DISPLAYED: Is a church refusing to stay closed grounds to blow it to hell? It is, according to some illiterate red neck, it seems, because the First Pentacostal Church in Hoyyoke, Miss. refused to close down due to Covid 19 restrictions, and that apparently greatly angered this fool because he set the church on fire, causing an explosion. Before leaving, this stupid red neck spray painted on a nearby car, “Bet you stay home now you hypocrits!” Some people just have to display their stupidity and intolerance.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They’re going to try and impeach Trump yet again before the end of the year, regardless of whether or not he gets re-elected. I predict Trump will be the most impeached president never to be convicted, in history… Harvard professor Elizabeth Bartholet wants to eliminate home schooling “because it exposes children to ‘extremist ideologies’ like Christianity.” What about real “extremist ideologies” like Islam? Christianity is NOT “extremist” in this, a country BUILT on Christianity. Maybe we need to get rid of “extremist professors” like Bartholet so they can no longer brainwash our kids in college… Yet another unfounded accusation on Trump. Nancy Peelosi says he’s “morbidly obese.” I don’t know where she gets that. He is not anywhere near “morbid obesity” and that’s only a typical insult…

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Gun Control Is People Control

Politicians don’t care about guns, except to fear them when they are in the hands of citizens. Guns in their hands, they don’t fear. But the important thing is, gun control allows them to tell us what we can, and can not do. Gun control allows them to control the people because under gun control, the people have no means of defending themselves against criminals of all types, including the ones in political office and those wearing badges. No you may say that is something that is just in my imagination, but look at this. The RICO Laws allow the cops (and through them the politicians) to TAKE your property without even bothering to convict you of a crime.

PUT UP OR SHUT UP!” Dumocrat “investigators” and non-investigators (anti-Trump politicians) are always confidently assuring us they “have clear and convincing evidence” of wrongdoing by President Trump. Bur they never tell us what it is, because there isn’t any. They just want you to believe there is. Whenever I hear one say that, I want to tell him/her to “put up or shut the hell up!” “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff is the worst one doing this First it was the “Russian Collusion.” then when they couldn’t prove that, it became “obstruction of justice.” When they couldn’t produce proof of that, they looked around for something else they could accuse him of.

GOTCHA” QUESTIONS: The press corps is giving President Trump a hard time because he abruptly ended a press conference the other day after getting several “gotcha” questions in a row. A “gotcha question” is one that, any answer given makes the answer look bad. An example of a classic gotcha question is this: “Did you ever stop beating your wife?” The very question assumes the answerer is a wife-beater. Trump knows going in that many of the questions will be gotcha questions, but he tries to handle them as best he can. This time he got tired of it, and refused to suffer fools any longer. So he ended it abruptly.

ISLAMOPHOBIA”: Militant Muslims have come up with a phony word to blunt ANY criticism of any Muslim, anywhere, ever, without having to answer the criticism. The phony word is “Islamophobia,” and it imputes some kind of mental insufficiency into the critic. This way they don’t have to come up with answers to criticisms of their sometimes strange actions, and even deadly ones. Well, I can come up with phony words of my own. Mine is “NonIslamophobia,” which imputes a mental aberration into any criticism by a militant Muslim to anybody NOT a Muslim. Something to which all militant Muslims are prone. Now notice I append the word “militant” onto that, which shows that this is not a criticism of all Muslims.

THEY’RE DOING IT AGAIN: Dumocrats in Congress are trying to pass a bill into law that will inevitably weaken the Second Amendment. Their umpteenth try. This bill will do many things that are not good. Among them is the ability to INDEFINITELY delay background checks. Expands background check requirements, and offers money to anti-gun fools. If they can indefinitely delay background checks, that means you cannot buy your gun until they “graciously allow” you to do so, whenever they get around to it. We know that a right delayed is a right denied, and that’s what they want do.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: CNN didn’t like the results of a recent poll on Trump’s popularity so they just buried it… Biden says he would not pardon Trump if he became president. What kind of damned fool is this guy? Trump has no need of a pardon and Biden is never going to be in a position to pardon him, anyway… The Coronavirus is still in full swing, so what are the Dumocrats going to do? Go on vacation, of course… Alyssa Milano says Trump is purposely trying to get people killed. So where is her EVIDENCE of that? Nowhere, of course, because it isn’t true. It’s a LIE… Biden says he sees “a clear path to the White House.” Yeah Joe, right up to the service entrance, where the janitors enter

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Nothing New Today

I spent the afternoon with my doctor today and when I got home I was wiped out. I just don’t have the energy for new posts, so there won’t be any until tomorrow. Sorry.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Sexual Misconduct Accusations

I’m beginning to believe there isn’t a politician in DC or anywhere else who hasn’t been accused of sexual misconduct at one time or another. Accusations of sexual misconduct seem to be the most popular thing to do to smear your opponent because nobody seems to want to find any proof. They are just accepted, and the victims are forever tainted by them, proven or not. Former VP Biden has been accused, and there seems to be more proof there than with others. But Fox News commentator Chris Wallace recently noted that Trump had also had some accusations, not mentioning they were sans proof.

CREATING A CONTROVERSY: “Sleep Joe” Biden is making a big thing about saying that when (not if) he gets elected president he will not pardon Trump. Of course that assumes that Trump will NEED a pardon, which he will NOT. But really the whole subject is moot, because this old fart will never, ever get to be president and will thus not be in a position to OFFER a pardon, to anybody. Actually, there’s about three or four things for which Biden could be impeached, even if he ever did become president (a definite long shot). He’s dreaming if he actually believes he will ever sit in the White House, except as a visitor.

COPS ARREST DEFENDER: In Arlington, VA, three robbers entered a store and began robbing it. Whereupon a store employee got a legal gun brought in by the owner and shot one of the robbers, who turned out to be a teenager. The teen will survive to serve his expected jail sentence. But then the cops arrested the employee who shot him on “malicious wounding” charges, among others. He defended the store, and then HE was arrested. To make it worse, he is being held in jail until trial, since the prosecutor appealed the $25,000.00 bond the judge set. If convicted, he will no doubt be jailed, right along with the robbers. For defending his boss’s business. The cops asked him why he didn’t just run out the back door.

CIVIL WAR COMING: That’s what Rush Limbaugh thinks, anyway, and I agree with him. Dumocrats all over the country are insisting on keeping their “stay-at-home orders” in place, long after they have been proven to NOT be a preventative to the spread of the virus. Those that do let their states open put impossible limitations on business, such as limiting restaurants to 50% business. Limiting them to using only 50% of their tables eliminates ANY profit, and profit is the ONLY reason they go to work in the morning. Keeping everybody at home stops all production of goods and soon there will be shortages of everything, including food. That’s when people will start a serious rebellion.

THERE’S NO DAMNED MONEY!” At least one Dumocrat congressman went on the Floor and gave an impassioned speech criticizing Republicans for saying “there was no money” when they criticized Peelosi’s $3 trillion dollar giveaway program just passed in the House. He then asked them, “What world are you living in?” The answer to that is simple. “The real world.” There IS no money. Just the interest on the National Debt would keep most countries going for a long time. That’s BORROWED money, congressman! We borrowed it because Dumocrats spent all the money we had, and then some—and now they’re doing it, again.

NO CONCEIVABLE REASON”: Tony Keane, writing for the Canada Broadcasting News, says, “There’s no conceivable reason why an ordinary person needs a handgun.” He lists a bunch of reasons why the average person should NOT have a gun, most of them assuming incompetence and lack of training on the part of the gun owner. But what he does not consider is the millions of ILLEGAL guns there are out there already in the hands of the lawless. The cops can’t be everywhere at once, so it is up to US to defend ourselves from them, and we NEED to have our own guns in order to do it.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Denying Reality

A Connecticut judge has made a ruling about MEN competing against WOMEN in sports in his state. You can’t call them MEN. This in a country that has a First Amendment to its Constitution saying we can say what we wish without fear of punishment. I guess that’s one way to eliminate opposition. Just ban them from using essential words in their opposition. Judges who make such rulings should be removed for incompetence and bias. Liberals are getting so they don’t even try and hide their scams and schemes. They just do it and ignore those trying to call them to account.

THEY AREN’T SERIOUS: CNN has proven they just aren’t serious in their so-called efforts to fight the Coronavirus by appointing teenaged blabbermouth on “climate change” Greta Thunberg to their panel for a show they have upcoming about the virus. What they think this child can add to the knowledge is a mystery to me. She can’t even add anything but a frown to the climate change controversy, so what can she add to this one? They’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel for their “experts” while pretending to be doing something.

CLOSING: BAD IDEA: One of the first things the politicians did when faced with the Coronavirus was to surrender to it. They did that by posting their “stay at home orders” that effectively ENDED commerce in the United States. Which caused a panic that is much worse than the pandemic because if it is allowed to continue it will END the United States, and allow those fools pushing that failed system, socialism, to take over. President Trump thought that was the best way to go early on, but quickly realized it was a big mistake, which he is trying valiantly now to correct. If you destroy the economy of a nation you destroy that nation.

HOW MANY MUST DIE? How many people who have information detrimental to Hillary or Bill Clinton must die before somebody actually starts investigating the series of suspicious deaths of those people who might testify against them? Or who is in a position to stop them from some of their atrocities such as that Supreme Court Justice who was found with a pillow over his head, dead while visiting a Dumocrat supporter? That took hours for the U. S. Marshal service to even show up, and whose death was “certified” by an obscure justice of the peace instead of a real judge? Then there was the man who “committed suicide” by shooting himself in the head—TWICE just before he was to testify against one of the Clintons.

CAN’T MAKE SELF DEFENSE: Those two Georgia rednecks who murdered a black man are now claiming self defense in the murder, according to their attorneys. They’re saying it was a justified killing because they were defending themselves when their victim saw two men with guns attacking him and fought back. Fighting back doesn’t qualify as an attack. Not in my world, anyway. You can’t attack a man on the street and not expect him to fight back. They say they “suspected him” of committing a crime when he entered that construction site, when all he wanted was maybe some water. He didn’t steal anything and left right away.

ABUSES OF POWER: Politicians all over are using this Coronavirus panic to abuse their power. Many are making edicts that fly in the face of the Constitution, claiming that the panic makes it necessary. One example is in Washington state, where Gov Inslee is reopening restaurants, but requiring that customers give the restaurants more information than they’re entitled to, which can be accessed by agents of the governor. How the hell that does ANYTHING to mitigate the virus is beyond me. In order to remain open, restaurants must also meet a dozen other requirements including operating at 50% capacity or below, and seating no more than five guests at each table, according to Inslee’s office. That 50% capacity rule alone will eliminate any profit for the restaurant, and profit is the only reason to be in business.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Socialism Sucks

It has destroyed societies wherever it has been used—or is about to. Socialism produces nothing. It merely steals the production of new wealth by the producer and GIVES it, unearned, to those who produce NOTHING. It is only beneficial to those who would rather live at the expense of others instead of earning for themselves. It caused 75 years of misery for the Russian people under communism. Communism is one name collectivism goes under and socialism is another. They call it by different names to fool their intended victims into thinking one is different from the other. But the only differences are cosmetic. Like taking bumpers off cars. They’re still cars.

NO SCANDALS ADMINISTRATION: Barack Obama must think we’re as stupid as he is if he expects us to actually believe that his administration was “scandal-free.” I can detail at least 18 scandals in his administration. Just a few are” “slow-walking” conservative organizations for tax-free status—something for which at least one IRS fool lost her job, (although her lavish pension will keep her living comfortably for the rest of her life); then there’s Benghazi, where people died; the Bowe Bergdahl scandal; the Veteran’s Administration “death list” scandal; $500 million lost to Solyndra, and many others, way too numerous to mention here. I don’t think I’ve got enough computer memory to list all of them.

NANCY ICE CREAM PEELOSI: If there was ever a more obvious out-of-touch elitist, it’s Nancy Peelosi. If she had any idea how her expensive ice cream habit would look like to the electorate (to her the hoi palloi), she wouldn’t have allowed a camera within a mile of her $24,000.00 freezer. The comparison to Marie Antionette is too easy to make. But apparently this rich bi-ch isn’t smart enough to know that. She is so rich she has absolutely no idea of how the “other half” lives. The House is just a toy to her. Thinking she is better than all of us, she just wants to be able to tell us what we can, and cannot do. And the House lets her. As long as we don’t throw her out with the rest of the trash.

COWARDICE REWARDED: Remember that Broward County deputy sheriff who cowered behind his car instead of rushing in and doing his duty while a shooter killed a bunch of innocent children at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas School in Broward County, Florida, and got fired for his cowardice? Well they “unfired” him and paid him his back pay for the time he lost, which mounted to $138,000.00 plus. I guess being a coward doesn’t make you unemployable to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office. If you go there you’d better bring your own gun because if you get in trouble the assigned deputy will probably be hiding behind his car—if he shows up, at all.

ALL THE STOPS: Dumocrats just will not let go of the Flynn fiasco. The DOJ actually dropped the charges against him because they were based on a lie the FBI ordered him to tell to protect his son from their depredations and the judge, who was appointed by a Dumocrat, won’t let them. The whole thing is strange, with both sides wishing the same ruling. Something that would ordinarily be instantly granted in a real court. But this Dumocrat judge made a ruling that has never been made to delay the dropping of charges against General Flynn, so as to leave him “twisting in the wind” a little longer, hoping to use him against President Trump.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Yes for me, but not for thee: Biden wants “due process” for himself on those sexual misconduct charges against him. But wants to take them away from some students similarly charged. And his accuserJoe Biden thinks we should “believe all women” when they claim sexual impropriety—except Tara Reade, of course. He also now thinks there should be proof of that sexual impropriety—except for Tara… CNN is digging deep in the barrel for “experts,” it seems. They are going to have a “round table” on the Coronavirus and one of the “experts” to be featured is now 17-year-old Greta Thunberg. What she knows about the virus at her tender age, I don’t know… Socialism is stupid. It TAKES from the producer of new wealth and GIVES to the producer of NO wealth. It’s only good for the “drones” of society, and I don’t mean the flying ones…