Thursday, March 26, 2020

Why Hate Trump?

President Trump is hated by the Dumocrats more viciously than I ever remember. It might have been similar when Ronald Reagan was president, but I was trying hard NOT to pay attention then, so I might have missed it. But I know why there is such a vicious tone in their insults and lies spouted daily about him. They are “the swamp,” and they know he is “coming for them.” And want to derail him before it can happen. But they are not going to be successful because the voters see right through them, as never before. After each of their efforts to derail him, his approval numbers go up. And the only “approval numbers” that will count will come in November.

SAVING THE ECONOMY: What’s happening today is exactly what the Dumocrats want to happen. It doesn’t matter to them that the current “failing economy” was caused by a virus sent us by communist China, Trump is going to get all the blame for the bad economy that is coming today. The Dumocrats are licking their lips and rubbing their hands together while they get ready for the onslaught of blame they intend to pile on President Trump. They know he is coming for them, and they’re terribly frightened, because Trump generally does what he says he will do—and if he does in this instance, it will mean political doom for them.

GUN CONTROL IS ILLEGAL: The Constitution of the United States, to which ALL LAWS made MUST conform, PROHIBITS “gun control” as we know it. Each and every “gun control law” that has been made is in CONFLICT with the Constitution and thus is ILLEGAL. The Second Amendment says “[T]he right of the people to bear arms, shall NOT be infringed.” It could not be clearer than that, but the anti-gun fools have tried and tried to obfuscate it including trying to say that ONLY members of an “organized militia” were covered. The fact that an organized militia did not exist at the time didn’t seem to bother them. An “organized militia” to the Founders meant ALL THE PEOPLE.

GUN CONTROL HELPS CRIMINALS: Have you ever noticed that none of their highly-touted anti-gun laws ever apply to the criminals who use them to victimize those who DO obey laws, even if they think they’re stupid? And while we’re at it, have you ever noticed that the cops always take away any weapon (including guns) that is used in self defense, even if that weapon is legally owned and carried? This tells me something simple: they don’t care about the guns. They just want to destroy the very concept of self defense. I once was accosted by a cop who told me the metal flashlight in my back pocket could be considered a weapon. To which I replied, “Yes, and if I ever use it that way, we can discuss it.”

YES, GUNS ARE “ESSENTIAL”: In the face of the Coronavirus panic, many state governors are putting out lists of “essential” businesses that do not have to follow their “close orders.” In many states, gun stores and other businesses having to do with guns are NOT on those lists. Meanwhile, more and more Americans, realizing that one of the first things to happen in a panic is criminals with their ILLEGAL guns running around victimizing people, they need “parity” to be able to defend themselves. At the same time, anti-gun fools in government jump right up to deny them that “parity,” while the lawless gaily “run roughshod” over them.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Doctor Fauci didn’t appear in a couple of meetings recently, and the media is trying to paint that as him being ready to be fired from Trump’s virus task force. Typically, that is “fake news,” and Trump denies it every time he’s asked. I just watched another “Trump briefing,” and Dr. Fauci was right there in his usual position, right behind the president… Well, the Dumocrats finally let Trump pass his “stimulus bill” into law after blocking it for two days. Of course, they’re now taking credit for its passage… The ignorant teenager who mocked the virus by licking a toilet seat has been found to be positive for the virus. Why would anybody with any brains lick a toilet seat, any time? This shows just how ignorant teenagers are. They haven’t been around long enough to know anything…

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