Friday, March 27, 2020

Tired of Cuomo

Why the hell does Fox News think they have to give New York Governor Cuomo so much time on their station? What is different in his state that is not in all the other states in the union except for the fact that the virus is worse in NY than in any other state. Probably due to liberal incompetence—which includes Cuomo. In all fairness, they should give “equal time” to the governors of the other 49 states so they can spout their political philosophies in the guise of advice on how to handle the virus. But that would not be practical. Whenever I see Cuomo on my TV I hit “mute” until he’s gone.

DEMOCRATS SCOTCHED AGAIN! They thought they had the perfect thing to use in discrediting President Trump when this virus panic destroyed his perfectly planned economy and brought the numbers disastrously low. They thought they could blame the economy on him by carefully timing their accusations. But again, they were wrong, as they so often are. His approval numbers are up, and continue to rise because the electorate have “woken up” and recognize, in spite of biased media reports, that he is working flawlessly to dig us out of the virus and its problems. That the fault lays with the virus, not him.

VIRUS, VIRUS, VIRUS! That’s all I see whenever I turn on my TV. The first word I see is “Coronavirus” or “Covid 19. And it continues throughout the day, with NY Governor Cuomo’s endless “briefings” broadcast live every day, then the presidential and doctor briefings, then the VP briefings. Then stories from those “staying home” that they’ve diligently searched out. It’s endless, and getting very boring. Yes, I know. People are dying of the virus. But people die every day from something, while the death rate from this virus is very low. Meanwhile they are beating us over the head with it unnecessarily, and I, for one, am getting weary of it.

ARE GUN STORES “ESSENTIAL?” Yes. They are. Absolutely. Especially when know-it-all politicians are releasing so many criminals so they can prey on us. In some places they’re refusing to even ARREST criminals for some violent crimes, and all NON-VIOLENT CRIMES. That’s so the criminals won’t get the virus and maybe die. Who the hell CARES if criminals get the virus because they’re huddled close together in a jail? The crimes they committed were what got them there. I worry more about the law-abiding people NOT in jails who can, and will be exposed to not only virus carriers, but illegal gun carriers.

ARE THEY STUPID, OR WHAT? The anti-gun fools tell you they are making you safer but are making it harder and harder to buy a gun, OR to get it into action fast enough to defend yourself if a criminal or other law-breaker comes to victimize you. In reality, every one of their laws makes it EASIER for the lawless to victimize the law-abiding. Gun-free zones are searched out by the lawless in which to do their dirty work. Every mass shooting has HAPPENED in a gun-free zone. Safe storage laws are PLANNED to make it take you longer to get your gun going when threatened. Waiting periods may be designed to make YOU think about it before getting a gun, but it just means the person threatening you that made you want to buy a gun—right now—has that waiting period for you in which to kill you.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Britney Spears says we need to redistribute wealth. But not hers, of course… Peelosi plays politics as the nation goes broke. She “flew in” to DC (on her broom, maybe?) with a “wish list” of liberal demands that derailed an agreement already made until her demands are dealt with… Bloomberg’s still trying to buy the election, but not for himself. For any Dumocrat running. He just gave the Dumocrat Party $18 million dollars… In politics, being accused of racism is “code” to mean, “I can’t answer your arguments so I’ll just cover it by calling you names”… More than 3 million jobless claims have eclipsed the previous record. It is the Coronavirus causing it, but you can bet Dumocrats are gearing up to blame President Trump for it…

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