Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Security Guard Illegally Arrested

This guy obeyed every law, advised the cop he had a licensed gun, and he was using bullets that are clearly NOT “hollow points,” according to the state’s own web site. But they LOOKED LIKE hollow points, so the cop (one Louis Flock, a Roselle, NJ cop) arrested him, claiming he was using hollow points—which he was NOT. He arrested him one block from is home on a specious charge, which immediately put him out of work because, as an armed guard without a gun, he could not work. The security guard, Roosevelt Twine, is finding it impossible to find ANY kind of work while the charges are pending and, obviously, he cannot afford the attorneys who are representing him. A “Go Fund Me account has been set up for him at: www.gogetfunding.com/roosevelt-twyne-legal-defense-fund/ .

IT’S REALLY SAD: We’re down to only two Dumocrat presidential candidates now. One is an avowed socialist, the other is a dotty old man who can’t figure out why he should zip up his pants after going to the bathroom. He needs to be led by the hand to walk anywhere, and after 8 years of working beside Barack Obama, he can’t remember his name. Hell, he probably can’t even remember his OWN name! If he wins the nomination and Trump somehow falls dead so he can win the 2020 election, he will be but a figurehead, with other people running things in his name—until the inevitable happens—this man, who will be 80 soon, just will not be able to withstand then pressures of then presidency, and will die in office.

THEY’LL TELL ANY LIE: The anti-gun fools will tell any lie and expect you to believe it. They must think you’re really gullible and stupid, some of the things they expect you to believe. Their most recent lie is that you are “43 times more likely to be killed by the Coronavirus if there is a gun in your house.” I think stupid is on the side of the anti-gun fools if they think even the very stupid would believe that. One study they used to support this found also that there was a felon in the house, which skews their findings seriously. Another factor is a government’s tendency to PROMOTE a study that seems to prove whatever thesis they’re trying to promote. Politics always plays a big part in any discussion, of anything.

POLITICS IS VIOLENT: One of the things I’ve always felt confident in is my ability to say what I wish in a free society. I used to out bumper stickers on my car about the things about which I felt strongly—until one day some fool “egged” my car because of the “A Is A” sticker there. Somebody who obviously knew about Ayn Rand’s philosophy but disagreed with it. That ended my putting stickers on my cars. I still freely gave my opinions, but kept the knowledge of what I was thinking confined to my writings without letting the “average person” know in public. Today it’s even worse, with thugs beating people’s heads in for having the temerity to wear a “MAGA” hat.

OBAMA IS THE PAST: They’re a little late. I’m seeing “exposés” about people “finding proof” that Barack Obama was an impostor and was actually born outside the United States. I see these often, but what’s the point? Obama is in the past. He is no longer president, and nobody’s going to go back and reverse everything he did as president—except for the current president, who is doing just that. But not on the basis of him being an illegal president, on the basis of his ideas and policies being stupid and dangerous to the nation. Obama had no idea how to bring back a good economy, so he covered his behind by telling us things like “all those jobs that have gone overseas aren’t coming back so we might as well get used to high unemployment numbers.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They’re “dropping like dead flies.” Three Dumocrat ignoramuses who thought they could be president drop out in one day. Amy Klobuchar, plus a gay former mayor. And a billionaire who spent half a billion dollars in his futile attempt. All in one day. The other billionaire hasn’t figured out he has no chance, yet. (Upate: Yes he did)The “Black Lives Matter” fools don’t like it when people like Nancy Peelosi talk about ALL lives mattering. They’re only interested in THEIR wishes. They think white lives DON’T matter, which discredits them in my mind… Biden’s outrageous lie: “Guns have killed HALF the population of this country since 2017.” Really Joe? I think if that had happened we’d have noticed… “Ol’ Joe Biden says he’ll make “Beto” his “anti-gun czar” when (and IF) he is elected president. Thank god he’ll never get that chance…

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