Monday, March 30, 2020

Abysmal Political Stupidity

What the hell are they thinking? Releasing criminals by the thousands so they can prey on the law-abiding, while at the same time working hard to DISARM those very law-abiding people, making them “easy targets” for their crimes. And then they say they can’t figure out why crime increases, especially gun crime.” These people can’t be that stupid, can they? Are they just stupid when it comes to guns? No, releasing criminals to prey on us isn’t about guns, although guns play a part. But if you put the two together, you will have a disaster. A disaster the like of which they cannot prepare for.

NY TIMES FALSE STORY: They wrote an article to illustrate why they didn’t cover President Trump’s Coronavirus updates because, according to them, they “contained false information.” To buttress their thesis, they included a story about a couple who took medicine Trump suggested so they wouldn’t get the virus and one of them died, the other in ICU. Of course, what they actually took was NOT the medicine Trump suggested, but it was instead was a chemical used in cleaning fish tanks, that had a similar name. All this without consulting a doctor. So their stupidity was blamed falsely on Trump.

DEMS TURN ON BIDEN: They’ve finally figured out he is not the man to defeat President Trump, as the evidence of his senility grows, and they’re now pushing the idea of delegates to the DNC Convention voting for NY Governor Cuomo instead of Biden. I don’t think it will make much of a difference, however, because Cuomo has his own skeletons in his closet, just waiting to come out and dance on his political grave. Cuomo has been spending an inordinate amount of time on TV lately, pretending to give virus updates. But they are actually transparent (to intelligent people) campaign appearances designed to increase his name recognition to people who don’t live in New York.

TWO BUSINESSES BOOMING: Amid the virus panic that has caused an economic fiasco and huge unemployment numbers, there are two businesses that are absolutely booming and will make lots of money from this virus. Those two businesses are mortuaries and graveyards. Pretty soon there is going to be a shortage of cemeteries and mortuaries will be operating at more than full capacity. Soon a third business will be making a lot of money, and that is the contractors who build more cemeteries. And with them, companies that supply them.

THEY’RE LOSING THEIR MINDS! The other day Congress was about to pass Trump’s $2 trillion dollar “stimulus bill” and it looked like it was going to pass by a large margin. That caused two of the most radical of members to “lose their minds” and scream and shout at the assembly because they couldn’t get their pet projects included. There should be a way to “weed out” people like AOC and Michigan Dumocrat Haley Stevens on the basis of lack of intelligence and radical stupidity. They do us no good with their silly ideas and are a waste of space in Congress.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Cuomo go away! That’s what I want to scream whenever I see NY Governor Cuomo on TV spouting his BS about how to handle this virus. They shouldn’t give this ONE governor so much valuable TV “face time.” It’s unfair to all the other governors… Joe Biden is really stupid. He is now blaming Trump for 3 million people going unemployed due to the Coronavirus. His senility is really coming to the fore… Some failing actors think making outrageous comments will get them the press they can’t get otherwise. So actor Michael Rappaport says he wants to see President Trump’s innocent child forcibly subjected to the Coronavirus. How STUPID is that? He needs to be sent directly to hell for a comment like that. Tell Rappaport to go lick a toiletAnother failing celebrity, Cher, thinks Trump “wants her and her mom sacrificed for his economy.” What makes this bimbo think Trump ever even thinks of her? I don’t… Axios calls it “Trump’s deep state hit list.” That’s so they can make it look bad. I call it a list of saboteurs that need to be cleaned out…

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