Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Typical Misrepresentation

The anti-gun fools are insane! They have claimed a March article cover of the American Riflemen threatens Nancy Peelosi’s life when it clearly does NOT. Anything to make pro-gun people look like hoodlums and thugs. The cover features a photo of Nancy and a title, “Target Practice.” The “target practice” refers to Peelosi’s “target practice” against gun owners, and does NOT threaten her. Never mind “Mad Max(ine)” Waters daily threatens President Trump with violence, while saying outright she wishes he was dead, with not a ripple in the liberal media. One female comedienne published a photo of herself holding a phony “severed head” that was plainly made to look like Trump, and the liberal media ignored it.

CRITICIZING TRUMP FOR CRITICIZING: Trump is criticizing Dumocrat candidates running to replace him in his job. Surprise, surprise! Dumocrats don’t like it. As if they had not spent the last three years flinging the most vile criticisms at Trump. I guess they think only they are allowed to criticize. The word I hear most often in Dumocrat criticisms is “incompetence.” What they base that on is a mystery because Trump is the most COMPETENT president we’ve had recently. He has done more for this country than all recent presidents combined, Reagan excepted. More than all Dumocrat presidents, certainly. Until the Coronavirus intervened, the Stock Market was hitting record highs mostly daily.

WHAT WE’RE AFRAID OF: The mayor hasn’t actually employed these tactics (yet) but she is telling us she can. The tactics to which I refer are “temporarily” removing constitutional rights because of the Coronavirus. How taking away our guns in violation of the Second Amendment helps in the fight against the Coronavirus is a mystery to me, but that is one of the things the mayor of Springfield, Illinois is threatening. She emphasizes the fact that they have not been implemented (yet), but that she COULD implement them. Something I seriously doubt. Yes, she could implement them for a short time, until the courts intervene. But that’s how would-be dictators work.

CHARGES DROPPED, FINALLY: Roosevelt Twyne was arrested by an overzealous cop in New Jersey, the capital of the anti-gun states, for possession of an illegally-carried gun, and possession of illegal “hollow point” ammunition, costing him his job, and forcing him to hire a lawyer at a time when he had no income and was running out of groceries. Only one little problem. The gun was legally purchased, he had a permit to carry it, and those bullets were NOT hollow points, a fact supported by the state’s own web site. He even went so far as to go on national TV with his story, and the NRA announced they were with him.

GUN PERMITS “TROUBLING”: DC has issued many gun permits and carry permits. This “troubles” DC politicians. Why the hell is THAT? It’s not as if there are not millions of ILLEGAL guns , already out there, in the pockets and hands of the lawless, who use them to victimize the law-abiding. Like all politicians, they only recognize the things they can SEE. And they can only see those guns that are sold legally. But those are sold to, and thus owned by, people who are NOT the problem, who need them to successfully oppose those with illegal guns who want to victimize them. One of their “concerns” is the cops not being able to tell somebody they observe with a gun is legal or not.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Nancy Peelosi says, “Civilization as we know it is at stake in the 2020 election.” She’s right, but not for the reasons she thinks. If Trump loses, it will be “the end of civilization as we know it...” Bill Clinton said his “affair” with Monica Lewinski was "because of his anxiety." What about his rapes and other sexual misconduct, that his wife is now in the process of trying to whitewash? And this silly bi---er, witch still wants to be president… Stock Market falls more than 1,000 points because of Coronavirus fears. Dumocrats and the media will, of course, try and blame it on Trump… Steve Jobs’ widow says “It’s wrong for individuals to amass great wealth.” Unfortunately for her veracity, she’s worth $27.5 million dollars in wealth… Joe Biden tells a pro-gun guy “not to be such an ass.” But the real ass here is “Sleepy Joe.” It’s pretty bad when you tell people at your rallies they’re “full of sh-t”…

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