Thursday, March 12, 2020

Moving the Goalposts

Dumocrats don’t like to lose, and they come up with the most outlandish means to give themselves an advantage their opponents cannot overcome if they can’t win under current rules. Which is why former AG Holder is pushing the idea that Supreme Court Justices should be limited to 18 year terms. So they could appoint more liberals to the Court and guarantee a liberal majority so they could continue to win in the courts what they can’t win in elections and legislation. His earlier idea was to “pack the court” by creating more Justice positions on the Court. FDR (a Dumocrat) tried that, and failed. So did Lincoln—and he also failed.

ANTI-CONSTITUTION FOOLS: Each time I hear about yet another Dumocrat pledging to violate the Constitution, I have to laugh. They really think they will be able, in the long run, eliminate our rights under the Second Amendment. I hear people like “Sniffer” Joe Biden pledging to “come for our guns” and announcing that he will appoint Beto as his “gun czar,” I have to laugh again. This fool will never again set foot in then White House, except maybe as a visitor to the elected president, and he won’t be appointing any “gun czars.” Or should I say “ANTI-gun czars.”

GIVE THEM 48 HOURS: Lots of people try to get guns because somebody threatened them. So the national 48-hour waiting period Bloomberg wants to impose only gives the threatener 48 hours in which to kill them before they can obtain the means to self defense. Unless they get a gun illegally. No waiting periods, there. It is an “infringement” upon our constitutionally guaranteed RIGHT to “bear arms” for self defense. Waiting periods only get people killed, as do all the other stupid, silly, anti-gun laws. And they are ALL unconstitutional because they are all “infringements” upon that right.

MORE UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS: In New York State, you must first ask PERMISSION of some unnamed, unknown bureaucrat to buy a gun. To accomplish that, you have to “jump through some hoops” and be “given” a CARD that says you can buy a gun—IF you satisfy that bureaucrat that you have successfully jumped through those hoops. That gives that bureaucrat “veto power” over your right to buy a gun, even though the Constitution says your right to “bear arms” CANNOT be “infringed.” Such laws ARE “an infringement,” and are thus unconstitutional.

JOE JUST DOESN’T GET IT: Joe Biden just can’t seem to understand why the right to own guns is a “bulwark against tyranny.” He actually thinks the government would use a “Hellfire Missile” against people is they refuse to get rid of their guns. Nor does he understand that having guns creates the fact that, in order to take our guns it might mean a bloody civikl war where a lot of people get killed, many on the government side, while they attempt it, He has a significant IGNORANCE about all things guns. He doesn’t know what a magazine is when he talks about “prohibiting 50 magazines in one gun.” Yet he wants to be president so he can sponsor legislation to regulate something he doesn’t understand.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The director of a taxpayer funded museum says she hopes everybody voting for Republicans DIE. For that she should be FIRED. Never mind the First Amendment. That only says she can’t be punished by the government for what she says—unless the government is her employer. Anybody with that kind of opinion has no business being employed in a taxpayer funded position. She just can’t be subjected to prosecutionHillary’s whining. She says, “I’m the most investigated innocent person in America.” She forgets about President Trump, who IS innocent, whereas she is NOT. She just has “the fix” in… Dumocrats don’t want “Crazy Bernie” to win the nomination, but “Sniffer” Joe Biden is their best chance to beat Trump. And that’s really sad… 

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