Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Murdered for Prepping!

I may be wrong, but I can’t remember it being something for which you can be assaulted, even murdered for if you disagree with the politics of another. I’m hearing about way too many cases of liberals just walking up and punching conservatives in the face for disagreeing with them. And now I hear about a man being MURDERED for being a “prepper!” How the hell does preparing for disaster hurt someone enough they wish to kill? That goes beyond my comprehension. I can see why a person can get so frustrated with others who disagree with them (though I don’t approve) that they’d like to “punch them in the face,” but to KILL? That goes way beyond.

CORONAVIRUS OBSESSION: I’m getting really tired of the Coronavirus obsession on TV these days. Every time you turn the TV on, it’s “Coronavirus, all the time.” It’s as if there isn’t any other news, although they do break every once in a while to report on other things. But those reports go by so fast it’s as if they did not exist, at all. I realize the virus is something we need to know about, but it doesn’t have to occupy our every minute and all our thoughts. If I have to listen to yet another briefing” by the governor of New York, I’m going to vomit. What do I care in Denver what they’re doing in liberal New York?

HOW DO THEY WIN? It amazes me how the Dumocrats win elections, the way they “rule” against reason and the needs of all Americans. One of the best examples of that is how Nancy Peelosi “breezed in” with her insipid “wish list” and got her Dumocrats to refuse to vote on cloture for the “stimulus bill” that is supposed to help all Americans cope with the lose of income during the Coronavirus panic. They HAD an agreement, ready to go, and when she inserted her “wish list” into things that stopped everything. The selfishness of the Dumocrat Party knows no bounds.

THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Liberals are working hard to destroy any vestige of patriotism in this country. They object to people flying the flag in front of their houses or businesses, and demand they be taken down. If one Muslim thinks that flag “offends” him, they want it taken down. They’re making laws to prohibit school students reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school because they think the Pledge doesn’t “include everybody.” Mostly Muslims, who object to everything they think they can get away with. In at least one place, a city council told the cops to ARREST anyone who insisted on reciting the Pledge before or even after one of their meetings. Under what law, I can’t imagine.

PRINTING MONEY: Think about a glass of water that’s half full. But the water in it is pure water. Then fill the other half with something else, and you no longer have pure water. You’ve diluted it, and weakened it by exactly as much or that “other stuff” as you poured in. Now look at our money supply, which is supposed to be backed by something of intrinsic value, like gold. Or Silver. But they took us off the gold AND the silver standard long ago, and have been creating money without that value backing, thus “diluting it,” and making it worth less. The more money they create without a value behind it, the more it’s diluted. It’s a way to tax you without having to have Congress vote on it. It’s how they turn a billion dollars into a trillion dollars.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Dumocrats are giving Corey Gardner hell for “being with Trump, not Colorado.” I got news for ya, DUMocrats: being with Trump IS being with Colorado, because Trump is with Colorado… In Pennsylvania, th governor tried to close gun stores as “not essential businesses.” They sued. And now he has changed his order and gun stores are now listed as “essential businesses in his state… As I watch the many ads for money to “help the Jewish people,” I note that it’s only the ancient, and the broke they show. Where are the young, working people? Why can’t they help their own elders? I wonder if they run similar ads in Israel, featuring American elders… Why do they hate Trump so much? It’s because they are “the swamp,” and they know he’s “coming for them” and they want to derail him before it can happen…

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