Monday, July 16, 2018

"More Than Expected"

The booming economy produced 213,000 new jobs last month, a lot more than expected. This is getting to be almost routine after Donald Trump became president, and reversed many of Obama’s worst willful mistakes. Obama tried to convince us that “our best days were behind us,” excusing himself for the MISERABLE ECONOMY his administration produced. What is happening is that our best days are happening NOW, and will only get BETTER under President Trump, while the Dumocrats insult Trump and try to “bring him down,” while trying to block his every move. That’s all they can do, because they have nothing else.

MASS. VIOLATING CONSTITUTION: The Massachusetts governor signed into law a gun confiscation measure in his state the other day, thereby VIOLATING the Constitution of the United States. Again proving that there should be a way to PUNISH those politicians who enact, or even PROPOSE measures that violate the Constitution. That was a BIG MISTAKE, made by the Founders. They thought the embarrassment at having their unconstitutional measures reversed by the Supreme Court would be enough to stop such overly officious politicians from making, or even contemplating such things. There needed to be a PUNISHMENT assigned to politicians who violated, or even CONTEMPLATED violating the Constitution.

I’M NOT GETTING NERVOUS: I wasn’t always a Trump supporter. Not to the extent that I am, now. I looked at him the same way I looked at Bill Clinton when he was running, and thought, “He talks a good game, but will he produce?” Clinton not only did NOT produce, he actually made things worse—as did Obama. But Trump IS delivering on his promises. And for that reason, I am now a strong Trump supporter. The liberal media is lying when they say Trump supporters are now “very nervous,” about continuing in support of him, and would not vote for him in the future. That’s their way of trying to change the opinions of a multitude of Americans. Making them think they were wrong in voting for Trump.

THE LATEST VICTIM? Is the death of Ed Schultz, the TV figure who confronted Hillary on HER “media collusion” really by “natural causes?” I’ve written about this before, and nobody took notice and actually DID anything to find out what is real, and what is supposition. Typhoid Mary was personally involved in just 3 deaths because she was an asymptomatic carrier of Typhoid Fever, but had a connection to 51 illnesses, and that got her that name, and the hate of numerous people. Hillary Clinton and her husband, Bill are connected to a lot more deaths than that. People who have died just before they were to give testimony damning to a Clinton or just were “in the way” of what the Clintons wanted.

YOU MUST BE A RACIST! If you don’t agree with “Mad Max(ine) Waters, you MUST be a racist. She can’t figure out any reason why you would POSSIBLY not agree with her hair-brained ideas if you weren’t. That’s her schtick. If somebody disagrees with her, just call them a racist. Then she won’t have to argue with them on her silly ideas. She can win every argument without being right. So the fact that she’s black was a “gift from God.” It means she never has to argue on the issues.

THAT INFAMOUS IMMIGRATION POLICY: Ever since Trump announced his policy to NOT “catch and release” illegal aliens who ask for asylum until their hearings because a majority of them just didn’t show up for those hearings, and couldn’t be found, Dumocrats have been crying about it, USING the “separation of families” that would result as a “rallying cry” for their supporters, if not most Democrat Americans. This, of course, IGNORES the fact that EVERY criminal who has been jailed or sent to prison for ANY crime has been “separated from his/her family” because we never send their CHILDREN to jail with them.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Antifa is "reeling" after their ignominious defeat in Portland. They say they're "down to two lattes a day." Poor babies! Maybe they should start understanding that their way is not THE way.... A woman fell down under a subway car while exiting. Many people in the crowd combined to get her to safety, and she's going to be okay. And nobody asked whether or not she voted for Trump.... Many liberals among reporters in the White House pool say Sarah Sanders lies to them. But they can't cite a SINGE provable lie.... The Dumocrat chair says socialist Ocasio Cortes "is the future of our party." If that's true, and it seems to be, they're in big trouble, because America is diametrically OPPOSED to socialism.... Dumocrats are gearing up to oppose ANYBODY Trump proposes for the Supreme Court. If he proposed appointing GOD, or even Nancy Peelosi, they'd appose Him or her because Trump appointed Him or her. We need to decertify them as a political party because they're nothing but a total barrier to ANYTHING Trump wants to do....

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