Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Obama Lies Again! (Surprise, surprise!)

Of course, that’s not news; Obama lies every time he opens his mouth. He doesn’t know HOW to tell the truth. Now he says he “is not familiar” with anybody telling Benghazi survivors to “keep shut.” Knowing him, it’s news if he ever tells the truth; about ANYTHING. But he has been working so hard to confuse the issue and obfuscate things about the Benghazi killings that happened while he went to bed that night, that NOBODY is surprised his administration is telling the survivors to keep their mouths shut. What’s surprising is that they’re DOING it (Update: they aren't any longer.).

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (who is supposed to be a conservative) is still saying Obama “kept all his promises” to New Jersey people after Hurricane Sandy. Why then, are MANY people STILL without homes while others are LOSING what’s left of their homes to “eminent domain?” People who only want to profit from the misfortune of others are “condemning” (with the help of the government) entire TOWNS. This is the kind of “help” Obama is offering, and Gov. Christie is STILL saying he “kept all his promises.” Is Christie STUPID? Or is he as CROOKED as Obama?

HOW DOES HE DO IT? Knowing how “leaky” Washington is, it amazes me that NOBODY who was an actual WITNESS to what happened in Benghazi has opened his mouth in spite of “orders” from Obama to “keep shut.” Usually there are all kinds of leaks in such situations. But here, not a peep. Did he threaten them with death if they said anything? I don’t know. I just know hearing NOTHING from the Benghazi survivors goes completely against the grain of what usually happens in Washington.

KEEP YOUR PROMISES: Every parent (well, most of them, anyway) knows if you promise something to your children if they do something (good or bad) you need to KEEP that promise or your credibility goes out the window. The same thing is true for a president who promises to intervene if a country uses “chemical weapons” on his people and he doesn’t, immediately starting to “waffle” on his promise when they do, as Obama is doing with Assad’s use of them in his war against his citizens in Syria. Assad now knows he can do what he wants without opposition from Obama as long as he keeps his use of them “questionable.”

PETA IS OUTRAGED: A 17-year-old kid punched a soccer ref for giving him a “yellow card” during a game and the ref died. That kid must have  helluva punch. The kid is going to be tried in an adult court for the death. Meanwhile, Gov. Chris Christie killed a spider that crawled up on a table next to his hand and is in all kinds of “hot water” with PETA. Seems to me PETA doesn’t have enough to do if it’s all worried about the death of one spider. Maybe Christie should apologize to the spider’s family. But I suspect he’d mash any of them who got close to him. I know I would. Or the spider would bite him. The spider doesn't care about PETA. I say to PETA, “ptooo.”

OBAMA IS PROUD OF IT! He even BRAGGED about it to the Mexicans during the stupid speech he gave in Mexico. But he didn’t say, in so many words, that most of them were sold at the ORDERS of the U. S. government (meaning himself) so he could say that. What kind of a FOOL is this guy? Does he really think he can violate the law with impunity? I guess he does, since he does it every day. Damn, what a corrupt FOOL!

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