Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Epstein Story

Was Jeffery Epstein murdered in jail? That’s a question that, if asked, is put down to “conspiracy theories.” Which is supposed to put a stop to further inquiries. But there are too many “strange happenings” in this case, and that makes me even more curious. First, they removed his suicide watch, for no reason at all. And two prison guards who were supposed to keep a close watch on him slept, or played video games while falsifying paperwork about doing checks they did not do. Then video evidence went missing—then showed up. And now has been declared “mistakenly” erased. Those two guards are subject to punishment for their dereliction of duty, but not for murder, or even conspiracy to murder. The investigation into Epstein’s death has been bungled badly—maybe on purpose, so as to hide the truth. We need an outside investigation. Now. Not later.

THAT UKRAINIAN JET: Did Iran shoot down that Ukrainian jet? Yes. They admitted it. Was it an unforgivable accident? Or was it on purpose? There are many unanswered questions, and Iran is adding to them by removing wreckage from the debris field before inspectors have even had a chance to examine them, while refusing to release the “black boxes” that can tell exactly what happened. Meanwhile, they are keeping very “tight-lipped” on it, lending to the assumption that they DID, in fact, shoot it down, for whatever reason, while the world wonders. If they did shoot it down, it was an unforgivable thing, mistake, or not. Something for which they need to be called to account. They are now “welcoming” outside investigators, now that that they’ve removed vital evidence.

NANCY’S PLAYING GAMES: She rammed her impeachment articles through the House, where she runs things, and is now holding onto them until the Senate agrees to let her run things in the Senate, too. She claims that they have said they will not allow witnesses, but that’s a typical Nancy lie. They told her no such thing. They told her THEY would make those decisions, not her. That’s a whole lot different from what she claims. She bulled her impeachment through the house without allowing witnesses, and now she WANTS witnesses. At least witnesses she hopes will testify against President Trump. But it ain’t gonna happen. She will be forced to prove her case (if she can), where she was not, in the House.

TALK ABOUT GUN CONTROL: What the hell is WRONG with these people who think the way to self defense is to make yourself defenseless? The very first thing “authorities” tried to do after a private citizen stopped a would-be mass killer, ending his wish to kill a few innocent people in a Fort Worth church, was to make a law preventing such people from being armed in church. STUPID! If that man had not been there with his legally-carried gun, the training and the will to use it, many more people would have died when that fool came in with his ILLEGAL gun and started shooting. The first thing they think of in such cases is to take away the right to carry LEGAL guns while ignoring the ILLEGAL guns people bring in, ignoring their silly little laws.

THEY SHOT IT DOWN: Iran screwed up—bad! They were so frightened at the thought of American retaliation to their continued provocations that they took one look at that airplane and overreacted, saying, “That’s an enemy plane,” and shot it down, killing 176 innocent people. They said they “feared American aggression.” Never mind the reason they feared American “aggression” is because they had committed many “acts of aggression against America, in many places, and that so-called “general,” who was simply a terrorist in a fancy uniform, was a natural target. He planned and executed Iran’s “acts of aggression” against the United States. It’s really funny how they accuse us of “aggression” when we are only responding to THEIR aggression. Iran is run by fools.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The Dumocrats are SO worried about getting a “fair trial” in the Senate for their side, when they didn’t give Trump a “fair trial” in the House when they impeached him on specious charges… That former Fox few-timer who says she could have “banged Trump” is just looking for publicity. That thing where he is supposed to ask her to go to his office so they “could kiss” is so phony it reeks. Nobody in real life says things like that… Hollywood has proven their total ignorance again. Comedian Ricky Gervais gave them “what for” about their ignorant spoutings on politics, which they know nothing about. And “nobody cared.” They aren’t smart enough, and have their noses stuck too far up their own butts to care…

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