Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Takes Bribes, Sets Rules

Only in Congress can a man who was impeached for taking bribes actually set the rules for the impeachment of another politician. Alcee Hastings used to be a federal judge in Florida—until he was impeached and removed from office for taking bribes. Then he ran for Congress and gullible voters actually elected him. And now he has been selected by the Dumocrat leadership to “set the rules” for the impeachment of an innocent man. Only in Congress. What a way to cause me, and other people, to lose confidence in Congress.

WHY’S SOCIALISM POPULAR? Everybody with any intelligence at all, and any experience at life is asking, “Why has socialism become so popular?” It’s instructive to note that it’s only popular among youngsters not old enough to remember the bad things about socialism that was revealed graphically by the COLLAPSE of the Soviet Union and the riots and unrest in Venezuela. Truth is, socialism, in its many forms, under its many names, has failed everywhere it has been tried, it is set to fail. Its promoters say the reason for those failures is that it was “not done properly.” Which is a load of bullsh-t. There IS no “proper” way to do socialism.

WHY’S BIDEN STILL LEADING? Everybody is wondering why Joe Biden is still leading the Dumocrat primaries, in spite of all his gaffes, lack of knowledge, and knowledge that IS wrong. His demonstration that he is way too old to take on the responsibilities of the presidency. I know the answer, even though the Dumocrats won’t admit it. They don’t have anybody better. And that’s sad. Why he wants to be president at his age is a mystery. I’m older than he is and I wouldn’t have the job on a silver platter. That job would kill me, and I don’t need anything else to kill me.

THEY JUST DON’T LIKE HIM: That’s what it boils down to in the effort to impeach President Trump. There is nothing else. Maxine Waters, one of Trump’s biggest “haters,” let it slip recently that it’s “all made up.” She believes many things, such as Vladmir Putin wanted Trump elected because he “owned him.” That Trump was a “Russian asset.” She also talked about the way he talked, how brash he was. But you can’t impeach a president because he makes bad jokes, or for what he THINKS. In this interview, she admitted that there was NO PROOF of any of this, she just believed it, and that should be enough to “get rid of him.”

GUN SALES UP, CRIME DOWN: Anti-gun fool hate it. They NEED crime to stay up as gun sales increase. They NEED more and better mass shootings. That’s what they use to promote their efforts to eliminate self defense for the law-abiding. I’ve come to believe that the anti-gun fools WANT high numbers of gun deaths. Being anti-gun is their “bread and butter.” It’s how they make their lucrative livings. The boss at MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) claims she doesn’t get a salary for her efforts. Do you believe that? How does she then pay the bills?

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Virginia’s governor is risking a real revolution if he calls out the National Guard to “confiscate” (steal) guns, contrary to the Constitution. Counties are already forming militias to counter that. If the two clash, it’s war. And if he thinks we won’t “go to war” to defend our Second Amendment RIGHTS, he’s profoundly mistaken… Liberals say “Trump is not above the law.” But liberals seem to be, as they go about denying Trump his rights… Biden is really deluded! He says He and Obama deserve the credit for Trump’s booming economy, not Trump. That might be believable if Obama hadn’t told us a bad economy was now “the new normal”… “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff says he “has evidence of wrongdoing by VP Pence. Which means Pence is “squeaky clean”…

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