Monday, January 27, 2020

Northam Has No Clue

He actually thinks he “saved the state” from an “emergency situation” with his “declaration of an emergency” before the big gun gathering. Fact is, the only “emergency” there was in Northam’s head. Any emergency there was in that meeting, he CREATED. It’s in his imagination. Yes, a lot of people would like to shoot him. But they’re mostly responsible people, so he won’t be “dodging bullets” any time soon. But I can’t guarantee anything if he is able to actually take guns away from people in violation of the law and the Constitution. Which is exactly what he plans on doing.

CHANGING THE SECOND AMENDMENT: Liberals, if they see an impediment to their complete takeover of the government, making it a dictatorship with them always in charge, they want to “move the goalposts.” They’d like to eliminate the First, AND the Second Amendments to the Constitution because the First allows conservatives to say the truth (if demonstrators and college students don’t drown them out), while the Second assures they will not be able to just “walk over” us in their quest for power. The First also guarantees a free press, although today’s liberal media “self-censors,” adhering to liberal-dictated “speech,” where people are only allowed to use “approved words” or are castigated for not using them.

INSISTING ON STUPIDITY: That’s the only way they will ever establish a lie as the truth. By banning anybody who tells you otherwise. Biologically, there are only TWO SEXES. They are not “assigned at birth,” they are “DISCOVERED at birth” by observing which one of only TWO sex organs the baby has. There is no other sex organ possible for a baby to have. Denver Post columnist John Caldera said otherwise in a column, and got fired for it. That’s the only way the left has to push their silly “flights of fancy.” Insist people say things that are untrue or get fired. That’s how they have promoted the silly idea that man can change the environment.

WILL RUSH CONTINUE? President Trump himself broke the story that Rush Limbaugh MIGHT be “ending his radio show” in four years, since his most recent contract renewal was for only four years. Being 68, Trump posited that Rush will feel he is to old to continue in four years. I seriously doubt it. As an 82-year-old man engaged in the same campaign (though not at his level), I don’t think age 74, which is what he will be in four years, will seem at all old to him. I will be doing this until I no longer can, and I’m sure he will, too. He, and I are “too driven” by the truth to stop, just because we’re getting old. For me, as long as I am able to sit at this computer and type, I will continue. And I’m sure he feels the same about the “golden microphone.”

CROOKS PROSECUTING COPS: That’s what’s happening in DC, right now. The very people Trump needs to be investigating and prosecuting for their crimes are the very ones that are attempting to prosecute HIM. And they’re using public money to do it. “Pencil Neck” Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Peelosi, and a few others are the very corrupt, cooked politicians Trump has promised to “bring to justice,” and this whole impeachment thing is their attempt to stop him before he gets to them. There needs to be an appreciation of the conflict of interest there in those particular people being “appointed” to “prosecute” Trump in the Senate. It’s like letting a murderer file charges against the prosecutor and the police so they can’t prosecute him.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Biden has said he would appoint Barack Obama, one of the biggest bandits in DC, to the Supreme Court, if elected. Just one more reason NOT to elect this fool to anything. The very thought of Obama as a Justice makes me want to vomit… I’m jealous. I feel left out. I wish CNN would slander me. I need the money… Liberals say college is necessary for you to live a fulfilled, happy life, and to make any real money I life. I’ve lived a (mostly) happy life, and I haven’t had any real money problems, WITHOUT a college education. And that’s probably why I am a conservative, or close to being a conservative (I’m a “rational individualist”). I wasn’t subject to all that conditioning that goes on in college…

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