Friday, January 3, 2020

Background Check Has No Effect

One of the most popular measures loved by anti-gun fools is the background check. And it is the LEAST effective. In California, where background checks are “the norm” when buying a gun, they had NO EFFECT on the number of gun deaths, according to a recent study. And researchers are “puzzled” at why. Can these people be that stupid? I’m just an old man at his computer and I can easily figure out why. Law-breakers do not OBEY laws, and do not stand for a background check when they get their guns illegally.

MOST MASS SLAYINGS!” California, with its very tight anti-gun laws, is the state which has had the MOST mass killings in the country in 2019. That should tell the anti-gun fools something, but it won’t. They look at studies like that which came out from Johns Hopkins that show NO EFFECT on gun crime for their highly touted background check laws and ignore the truth, making excuses for the stats that don’t include the reality that background checks, like all their other anti-gun laws, just don’t work. The biggest reason gun crime is so rampant IS their anti-gun laws which keep the law-abiding defenseless.

IGNORING REALITY: Is it any wonder there are so many mass shootings? The anti-gun fools that permeate our law-making bodies not only ignore the reality that the absolute best defense against a mass shooter is to allow the law-abiding to carry their own guns with which to defend themselves, they move quickly, every time, to further DISARM the law-abiding and make life easier for the shooters to kill defenseless people. The way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourselves. That’s a fact. Not supposition, and not just my opinion. It is proven many times in cases like that Texas church, where two parishioners who were acting as volunteer security “took out” a potential mass shooter before he could kill more than a couple of people.

I DON’T UNDERSTAND! Why the hell people attack other people because of their religious views. What harm does a Jew do to a Christian as he worships his God in his own way? What is there in that that makes people murderously angry enough to go into their houses of worship with a knife and kill people? And the same is true of those oppressing Christians. How does worshiping God and/or Jesus do to those who do not believe? The one “religion” that might merit such anger is the Muslim “religion,” which I call a cult. No real religion suggests its “believers” kill or maim non-believers. What real God gives men the right to hurt those who believe differently than they do? But even so, if they leave me alone, I have no reason to try and hurt them.

HUNDREDS VS. THOUSANDS: I’m looking right now at a Joe Biden gathering. Maybe 100 people, at most. And that’s not the first time I’ve seen him speak before a very small group. Meanwhile, every time President Trump holds an event, there are more people who can’t get inside because of the thousands already in there than the entire crowd that attends Biden events. And he really thinks he has a chance to beat this man? Biden couldn’t even beat Obama in their primary when Obama got elected. What makes him think he can beat the powerhouse that is Donald Trump?

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I guess if you have no cogent arguments, just demonize the opposition. That’s apparently what damned fool liberal activist Michael Moore is doing when he says, “Trump supporters ‘aren’t good people’ and you should be afraid of them”… It’s really interesting how Peelosi allowed NO fairness in her treatment of Trump, and now insists on “fairness” in her own treatment in the Senate… AOC says “It would be an honor to be VP.” Dream on, girl. Ain’t no way you’re ever gonna get near that office, even as a visitor… “Unnecessary roughness.” Like other sports, there should be a rule in politics against “unnecessary roughness.” Yes, Dumocrats hate what Senate Majority Leader McConnell is doing, because it interferes with their plans to fleece America. But that should non t give them the right to demand he be MURDERED, as they are now doing. It probably won’t happen, but there are unhinged people out there to whom that might be “permission” to murder…

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