Wednesday, January 29, 2020

"Only the Cops"

A regular refrain among the anti-gun fools is that “Only the cops should have guns.” That’s so the cops could “lord it over us with impunity.” But. That. Will. Never. Happen. Even if they manage to eliminate all LEGAL guns, there are still millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there, in the hands of the people they do need to worry about, the law-breakers. The only guns they will be able to eliminate are those in the hands of the law-abiding, who are NOT the ones they need to worry about. That’s the basic flaw in the reasoning of the anti-gun fools. That by removing guns from the law-abiding, they can “stop gun crime.” That’s a fool’s scheme. The law-abiding do not use their guns for “gun crime.”

BLOOMBERG CONTROLS MEAN CARNAGE: Former NY Mayor Bloomberg wants to take away all LEGAL guns. If his “gun control” had been in effect in Fort Worth when that fool came into that church and started killing innocent people, that brave citizen with his own gun would not have been able to instantly kill him, and there would have been a ream massacre in that church. It amazes and sickens me that the “authorities” in Fort Worth immediately “jumped up:” and tried to stop such civilians from being able to bring his gun with him to church. What kind of stupidity does it take to want to eliminate the SOLUTION to gun violence?

PROTECTING UNBORN BABIES: If I’d have told you, years ago (before Roe v. Wade) that politicians (and average human beings) would not only approve of murdering infants before they’re even born and getting away with it, you’d have called me a liar. Then if I told you the chief murderer, when an investigation of their operations is attempted, would be able to get a million dollar judgment against the investigator, you wouldn’t have believed that, either. But that’s what it has come to. In Nazi Germany, they murdered 6 million Jews in their Holocaust. It is known that the German people, although they knew about those murders, said nothing and did nothing about it, and people just couldn’t understand how good people could ignore the murder of 6 million people because of their religious views. Abortion is our Holocaust.

THE IMPEACHMENT SCAM: That’s what it is. An attempt by Dumocrats to reverse the effect of the 2016 election, just because they think they can. They lied and lied during “hearings” in the House, which is controlled by Dumocrats, the opposing party to Trump’s. Not a single Republican in the House voted FOR impeachment. The whole thing is “sour grapes,” and an attempt to gain total control over our government. A COUP. That’s what we’re watching. An attempt to make Trump’s removal from office LOOK legal. It pains me to watch the very corrupt politicians Trump has promised to “bring to justice” as he “drains the swamp” pretend they are on a “righteous campaign” to rid ourselves of a corrupt president. Meanwhile, Trump makes them look silly every day.

WATCH YOUR BACK, RUDY! President Trump’s attorney, former NY Mayor Rudolph Giuliani may have just signed his own death warrant. Considering the history of what has happened to a lot of people who have promised to reveal evidence against the Clintons, Rudy needs to “watch his back,” and hire more security. I have no doubt that promising to reveal real evidence against the Bidens will cause a similar reaction, because Biden and the Clintons are “thick as thieves.” Biden himself has revealed, on camera, that he, as VP, withheld one billion dollars in aid to Ukraine until they fired a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s illegal activities in the Ukraine. But nobody took notice of that, while they’re trying to convince the world that Donald Trump did the same thing and it’s an impeachable offense.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: It sickens me to see Nancy Peelosi treat her impeachment scam as if it were important. Like having a “signing ceremony” to sign the papers sending the impeachment to the Senate and actually signing it with multiple pens and handing them out as souvenirs like she was president or something… Have you seen what that “Wax My B-lls” tranny has been doing lately? She/he has been attacking reporters who are trying to ask her questions, while the cops ignore it. I hope one of the reporters she/he attacks puts her/him in the hospital. (one finally did) She/he has it coming. Those reporters are just trying to do their jobs… Trannies are mad that menstrual products that are “only for girls.” I don’t know what the hell they WOULD be made for, except “for girls” People with penises CAN’T menstruate, so what would they need menstrual products for? That’s as stupid as insisting there are more than two sexes

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