Monday, October 28, 2019

Unconstitutional Prosecution

This country is different from any other in the world, in that we are GUARANTEED freedom of speech, even if we don’t agree with it, or it is offensive to many. Yes, there are laws against LYING in public about someone, in print, or by voice—if the lie can be proved. But to arrest somebody and put him in JAIL for stating his or her political views is absolutely unconstitutional. But it is being done by officious politicians and bureaucrats in several places, and it is ILLEGAL since it is a constitutional violation. But officious “authorities” are doing it, because the Supreme Court has not had its say about it. By the time that happens, the damage will have been done.

HILLARY IS INSANE! She really thinks she has a chance to beat President Trump in 2020. She lost to Barack Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016. Nothing has changed, except now Trump has an exemplary record as president. She is a lousy candidate who doesn’t do the basic things required of a candidate. She threatens or insults the electorate, and then expects them to vote for her. One of her most famous (or infamous) insults was when she described Trump supporters as “deplorables.” She makes impossible promises she must know she cannot deliver and insults those who point that out. She is very Unlikable, and she doesn’t know it. She’s now calling everybody with whom she disagrees a “Russian asset,” which is just STUPID.

SOCIALISM NEVER TRIED”: One of the best-known excuses for the failure of socialism in so many places is that it has “never been tried fully.” Which is a LIE. It has been “fully tried” in many places, including India, and the United Kingdom. It has been tried in other places, including Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and many other places. In Cuba, the average age of cars owned and driven by citizens (not government people) is the fifties. Russian communism (one of many forms of collectivism, as is socialism) failed spectacularly. they’re still a socialist state, but are “going down” rapidly. Government employees are not paid for weeks at a time, and they have no money for many other things. Socialism fails because it produces NO new wealth, and instead steals the new wealth produced by those willing and able to produce new wealth. That’s its fatal flaw.

IT WUZ A HATE CRIME!” A transgender “model” in Great Britain filed a suit against a photographer—because he refused to have sex with him/her, since he/she had a penis, not a vagina. He/she said, “This is absolutely f—— disgusting behaviour,” the model said. “No one should be treated like this — this is discriminating and appalling behaviour.” Really? This fool is trying to force him to approve of his/her way of thinking and abandon his own. THAT is the “discriminating and appalling behavior” in this scenario. He/she does not have the right to do that, and he/she needs to find that out. What he/she tried IS a “hate crime.”

LIBERALS OUTRAGED! Ivanka had an anniversary party at Camp David, and liberals (Dumocrats) are outraged, because Ivanka did the same thing Obama did several times. I guess it’s only okay with liberals when liberals do it. When the Trump family does it, liberals pee their pants. It’s the same thing across the board. Liberals are “outraged” because President Trump had the audacity to call the effort to unseat him a “lynching,” completely ignoring the many times liberals called the effort to impeach Bill Clinton for cause a lynching. Again, it seems it’s only okay when liberals do it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: One of the main reasons Trump was elected president is to reverse the Obamacare disaster. Now former VP Biden has vowed to bring it back if he gets elected. He must know that will get him “dropped by the roadside with the other trash”… After the two mass shootings recently, President Trump is calling for a “special death penalty,” just for mass killers. That’s a good idea, for AFTER the fact, but MAYBE will dissuade potential shooters, and maybe won’t, since many of them don’t expect to live through the shootings… Former VP Biden says Trump is “fomenting violence and divisiveness,” when it is the Dumocrats who are doing that… How do you get the “white nationalist/white supremacist label? That’s easy. Just disagree with anything a Dumocrat says…

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