Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Can't Believe the Stupidity

In New York City, one of the most liberal cities in the country, they actually are seriously considering DISARMING the cops! Condemning many of them to an unnecessary death if they stay. And they are similarly considering it in other places, too. I can’t believe the abysmal stupidity of the politicians in these places. They’ve managed to disarm much of the law-abiding population, and now they want to disarm the cops that are working hard to keep people safe, which will surrender to the “bad guys,” who will NOT disarm. They will “run free,” killing, robbing, raping, and doing much violence.

WE’RE ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS: At least, we are, according to “Crazy Hillary.” I call her that because she’s showing ever more evidence of demented thinking on a daily basis. She’s calling ALL her opponents, including fellow Dumocrat Tulsi Gabbert and President Trump, “Russian assets.” Of course, with not a single shred of evidence of truth in her statements. Up to now, her favorite insult was “racist.” I guess people stopped believing her when she called people racist, because Dumocrats all over started doing it, too, which overused the term to the point where NOBODY believed it. So now she’s switched to “Russian asset.” This bit… er, witch needs to be kept far away from the White House.

AIMING AT THE WRONG TARGET: That’s the big thing about “gun control.” Anti-gun fools assume that the guns used to victimize people are legally obtained, and making it difficult, or impossible to get guns legally will solve the “Gun crime” problem. They’re clearly, abysmally WRONG. It is obvious from the fact that where anti-gun laws are the strongest, “gun crime” is also at a high level. I hate to repeat myself, but I have to note that Chicago is one of the very best illustrations of that. Every one of their highly vaunted anti-gun laws are in effect there, while gun deaths are at an unreasonably high level, as well. That’s a fact roundly ignored by the anti-gun fools as they go about trying to eliminate our constitutionally guaranteed right to self defense, and to own and use the means to that, a gun.

MEN & WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT: That is a fact that cannot be denied by intelligent people. You have only to look between their legs to decide, and that is done at birth. If the baby has a penis, it is MALE. A vagina, it is FEMALE. It’s not a matter of “settled science,” it is common sense. Sex is NOT “assigned” at birth, it is DISCOVERED. Liberal can claim all kinds of exceptions to this, but they are WRONG. They are DELUDED if they actually believe this lie. But I don’t think they do. Insisting there are more than two sexes is a CON. One designed to create more “dissension in the ranks.” Dividing us up makes it a lot easier to control us as we fight among ourselves, rather than look at the real issues.

JANE FONDA: SCIENTIST? Talk about deluded liberals! Hillary thinks he won the 2016 election. Why then is Donald Trump in the White House? Jane Fonda thinks she is a “climate scientist.” Has been for decades. Jane Fonda is an ACTRESS as well as being a liberal ounce in three tries! Hillary thinks she can beat Trump. Again! Again? She hasn’t beaten Trump even ONCE! She just thinks so. She also thinks there is “ample evidence” of Trump’s “crimes,” but can’t tell you what it is, because there isn’t any, except that in her imagination. This woman “losing it” and the evidence is there, every day, with every remark that comes out of her blow-hole.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: AOC seems to think President Trump wants her to be assassinated. Boy, does she have an inflated opinion of her importance! She’s not important enough of a “burr under his saddle” for him to wish she could be killed, even if he would. She’s just a mild irritant that will be gone in the next election… Kathy Griffith says her “severed head” stunt (she calls it a joke, though she was deadly serious) has ruined her career. Of course, she blames Trump for that, even though it was her own fault. She obviously didn’t think it through very well… Recently deceased Hamza bin Laden, the son of mass murderer Osama bin Laden, swore revenge for his father’s death. He conveniently forgets the provocation that led to his dad’s death, as they always do. Fortunately, somebody got to him first…

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