Friday, October 4, 2019

Dems Criminalize Everything

The Dumocrats have now done it. They have “criminalized” a politician getting himself elected to office to “promote his own political objectives.” Isn’t that what they all DO? There is nothing criminal about trying to advance your own political objectives by getting elected. But Nancy and Pencil Neck are now insisting there is, so they can use his political actions against President Trump. Next, they’ll call a news conference and tell us that, since Trump puts his pants on one leg at a time, he should be impeached because he is trying to tell all men they should do likewise. President Trump is not doing wrong things, so now they’re CREATING wrong things for him to do.

NATIONAL GUN TAX: While the country pays close attention to Beto O’Rourke’s blatant threat to violate the Second Amendment and “come for your guns” if he is elected president (a forlorn hope, that) nobody seems to be paying much attention to another Dumocrat presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren, who plans to tax guns at 30%, plus a 50% tax on ammunition, something that will make it impossible for most low-wage people to own guns, even if the law allows it. Fortunately, neither candidate has much chance of ever getting enough votes to be elected.

THAT’S REALLY RACIST! Liberals will deny it to their dying day, but what they’re trying to CREATE with their “white supremacy” crap is RACISM, for blacks against whites. What they’re promoting is BLACK supremacy. They want to CREATE discrimination by blacks against whites. They will not be happy until white people are forced to ride at the back of the bus, by LAW. They will wish for drinking fountains, side by side, with little signs above them saying, “white only” and “black only,” with the better ones being the ones for blacks. They want black people to have opportunities not available to white people.

SAN FRANCISCO SURRENDERS: Some time ago, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (the City Council) unanimously passed a resolution naming the National Rifle Association (NRA) as a “domestic terrorist organization,” and asked for an investigation onto its ties between its contractors and vendors and the NRA. The NRA not surprisingly sued. They called the resolution a blacklisting measure and urged San Francisco’s federal court to “step in and instruct elected officials that freedom of speech means you cannot silence or punish those with whom you disagree.” Bravo NRA! That definitely put those bigots in SF in their place.

BETO’S FULL OF SH... HIMSELF: Every day, in every way, Dumocrat presidential candidate (1%) “Beto” O’Rourke (who’s trying to pass himself off as Hispanic) moves closer and closer to becoming a despot if he actually gets elected, something that’s not going to happen. He has PROMISED to “come after your AR-15s” and now says “most Americans AGREE” with his gun control measures and will voluntarily comply. The very idea that Americans do agree with him is idiocy. To think so reveals a delusional thinking beyond belief. Thank God he doesn’t have a chance in hell of ever seeing the inside of the Oval Office, except maybe as a visitor to the real president. This fool is a “megalomaniac in the making.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Wayfair refused to stop selling to the border control people because they hated what was happening. So they all walked out to make it worse… Every time I see or hear something Dumocrats say, about anything, I want to holler, “Bullsh-t!” That’s because everything they propose is bull droppings. I know that, and all INTELLIGENT people know that. But they get elected by unintelligent people who pay no attention to politics and believe their lies… Dumocrats ridicule Republicans for calling them socialists. What amazes me is why. They ARE socialists, and there is no denying it. You only have to look at what they’re ALL proposing. Free stuff! Free stuff! It’s all socialismDumocrat presidential candidate Julian Castro thinks “transgendered MEN” should get government paid-for abortions. What the hell would they NEED that for? It’s an impossibility for a man to get pregnant, so why would he EVER need an abortion? Talk about stupid politicians…

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