Tuesday, October 29, 2019

They Can't Beat Men

So they pretend they are women and break women’s records all over the place, proving what I say about MEN competing against WOMEN. The Big Sky Conference went completely stupid when they named a transgender woman (a MAN) as “Female Athlete of the Week.” Recently, one male weight lifter pretending to be a woman broke several women’s weight lifting records. All this does is show that a MAN competing against a WOMAN is a stupid thing, and sports organizations allowing it is just as stupid. Any “official” who names a MAN as superior in a WOMEN’S sport needs to be canned. Men who can’t beat other men are taking advantage of this ignorance to enhance their own self-image in a false way.

SWAMP DIDN’T EXPECT THIS: President Trump is expected to just “sit on his hands” and listen to all the slanderous remarks made every day about all the evidence Dumocrats are supposed to have against him, that they do not, or they would release the details, while they continue to “poison the well” of the citizenry without him being able to call witnesses that can prove him innocent because they won’t actually START an “impeachment action.” So now the DOJ has started “investigating the investigators” to see how many laws they broke in their campaign to unseat him. And considering what they found, it has now become a CRIMINAL investigation. The Dumocrats are wetting their pants because they know what he might find.

THEY’VE DONE IT AGAIN: Liberals have again created a phony word to use to intimate that opposing their wishes is, somehow, a mental aberration. That word is “transphobic.” In using this word, they hope to blunt ANY criticism of men pretending they’re women to gain things they can’t get as a man. Being against that is NOT a “mental aberration,” it is common sense. And people need to know that. One of these days I’m going to publish a list of those phony words, all together, so people can see what they are. The fact is, “big, hairy men” should not be allowed in women’s restrooms and changing rooms, or to compete against women, even if they CLAIM they “think they’re women.” That’s not “transphobic,” it’s common sense.

WHO DO YOU CALL?” The Black Panthers constantly condemn and belittle the cops, but who do they call if some thug decides to rob one of them? The cops, of course. Who else is there to defend us since the law makes it impossible, in most cases, for us to defend ourselves from those who use their ILLEGAL guns to victimize us? It happened recently to a regional member of the Back Panthers and he called the cops. And they did what they do best, investigated and caught the criminal, in spite of his demonstrated opposition to the police. He has changed his opinion of the cops and is not nearly so negative against them.

IT’S DECIDEDLY WRONG: In Texas, a man and woman are battling in court for the right to decide which sex their 7-year-old child will be. Actually, he has a penis, so he’s a BOY. But the mother wants to make him into a girl and his father wants to have him remain as a boy. Nobody has asked the child what HE wants, and they should not. He is far too young to even THINK about such things, much less actually do something about it, especially of is means removing his penis, which cannot be reversed. To do so is child abuse.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: AOC says she’s boycotting Israel until they let her buddies in “The Crew” in. Who cares what she boycotts? I certainly don’t… Dumocrat Rep. Deb Haaland says ANTIFA is just “peaceful protesters.” Yeah. Who bring hammers, clubs, and bear spray to the demonstrations, and beat up anybody they don’t agree with. ANTIFA is nothing but “domestic terrorists,” hired by the Dumocrats to “strike terror” into the hearts of Republicans, much like the Dumocrat-created Ku Klux Klan (KKK) did blacks 100 years ago. She must think all non-Dumocrats are simpletons who believe her BSHillary back again in 2020? Good. We need an experienced loser…Crazy Bernie” just gave what any Dumocrat considers a deadly insult. He called her a “capitalist.” Never mind capitalism is the reason why so many people flock to our borders if they want to better themselves…

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