Monday, October 21, 2019

"Oh My! Poor Baby!"

Minneapolis Mayor said his treatment by the Internet “made me feel like a woman.” They were “mean to him.” And I guess he just can’t take that. So maybe he ought to just get out of politics, because it’s not only going to continue, it’s going to get worse. That’s how politics is. Get used to it. I wonder how President Trump feels about the way YOU treated him when you told him he wasn’t welcome in a major city in the United States, of which he is the president? Politics works both ways. If you abuse one politician, he’s likely to abuse you back. Get used to it.

FOCUSING ON IMPORTANT THINGS: You can always trust liberal politicians to focus on what’s important. And the Massachusetts legislature is working hard to work out a ban BALLOONS! Saying they are a “danger to animals and the environment. There goes that old bugaboo, “the environment!” Many stupid laws have been made because of “the environment,” and this rises to the top in stupidity. Count on Massachusetts politicians to concentrate on stupidity.

THE “COMMON USE” STANDARD: Anti-gun fools like to say the Constitution only allows us to have guns that are “in common use.” But the Constitution made no such stipulation. Its words are clear: “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Nothing could be more clear than that. But the anti-gun fools wish to “muddy the waters” so they can come and take your guns away, leaving you at the mercy of the lawless, who are not inhibited, in any way, from getting their guns ILLEGALLY. I know why liberal politicians want to disarm us—they know they’re going to come for our property in the future, and they want to run into as few guns as possible when they do.

WE’RE NOT ANTI-GUN!” That’s what “MOMS Against Guns” (or something like that) say, even though everything they do is geared toward getting guns out of the hands of honest, law-abiding people, leaving them at the mercy of the lawless, who just don’t obey ANY laws, much less the ones MOMS cons people into passing. Meanwhile, head “MOM” Shannon Watts calls gun confiscation “innovative and exciting.” If that isn’t anti-gun, I’d like to know what is. What I do know is that this bi… er, witch gets an excellent salary as head of MOMS, and the net result of her actions is to disarm only the law-abiding.

WHAT SHOULD WE DO? In New York, one stupid anti-gun fool is “going on a hunger strike” to get us to “do something” about gun control. She still eats one meal a day, and drinks “energy drinks.” She says she’s doing it so we will pass “common sense gun laws.” But nowhere does she say what ARE “common sense gun laws.” that’s because she doesn’t know. She has no idea what ARE “common sense gun laws” and neither do we. If she was actually going on a hunger strike, and not just telling people she is, she would die of starvation before anybody else came up with a “common sense gun law” that would actually DO something about “gun crime.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Fox’s Shepard Smith told the embattled president of Puerto Rico, “WE don’t want you.” where the hell does Smith get the idea he has the right to “not want him?” I think Shepard is becoming too brazenly liberal to remain at Fox so it’s good he is leavingDumocrats like to accuse Trump of fomenting violence with his rhetoric, then a Dumocrat like Corey Booker says he’d like to punch Trump in the mouth. If he tries it, he’s gonna get a hurting… Liberals love to make a big thing out of Mueller “not exonerating Trump.” Completely ignoring the fact that it is not his JOB to “exonerate” his victims. Only to find him guilty or not guilty on the basis of the evidence… The government wants to change Halloween to the last day of October every year. It’s not as if they have anything important to do that they spend their time on “make work.” The government seems to stick their noses into everything, important, or not…

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