Friday, October 18, 2019

The Face of the Swamp

“Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff is the “face of the swamp.” He is not only a MEMBER of the swamp, he, along with Jerry Nadler, is a leader in it. Which is why he is pretending to be a “prosecutor” toward President Trump, lying and making secret deals to come up with damning “evidence” against this president. He comes out daily and lies, saying he has “ample evidence of wrongdoing” on the part of this president. But he never reveals what that evidence is—because there isn’t any. He just wants the world to think there is. He is busily “poisoning the well” by claiming to have evidence he does not have, hoping he can get rid of Trump before Trump gets to him.

NEW YORK CITY DESPOT: New York City Mayor DiBlasio has really hit bottom. He has come completely unglued. Previously he wanted to ban cars. Then airplanes. Then too big soft drinks, and plastic straws. Soon he’ll want to ban oppressive politicians, not realizing what that will mean to him. He is INSANE! Now he wants to ban all new glass and steel high-rise buildings! And he wants building owners to “refit” their existing buildings to fit his flights of fancy, something that will cost them millions of dollars, and he is talking about million dollar fines if they do not. Frankly, he thinks he is “Mayor For Life,” and will be around long enough to make his damned fool ideas a “reality.” Not a chance!

IT’S A DEATH SENTENCE: Paris Police have been disarmed. Which is a death sentence for many of them if they attempt to do their duty without guns to oppose the illegal guns that proliferate in the hands of the criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists. Disarming the cops is INSANE! I remember when two Islamic terrorists came to the offices of a satire magazine there, and murdered 11 people because they had the temerity to actually publish a picture of Mohammad, while unarmed cops had to hide behind their cars and watch.

WON’T PARDON TRUMP”: Former VP Joe “Biteme” says, “If I’m elected, I won’t pardon Trump.” What a damned fool thing to say! But then, “Ol’ Joe” is known for his stupid statements. There is not reason ever to NEED to have a president “pardon” Trump because he has committed no crimes. And the possibility of Joe ever being elected president is so tiny, there is not even a reason to discuss it. Joe is so deluded, he probably thinks that, once elected, he has dictatorial powers. That’s what most Dumocrats seem to think.

USING ANY EXCUSE: This government is now officially out of control when it comes to gun confiscation. They’re now using any excuse to come and take guns away from law-abiding people, while ignoring the lawless and their guns. I’ve seen several cases recently where they took guns away from a law-abiding person with no record because he/she called their attention to him/her. In several cases recently they took them away from vets who had them specifically for self protection. In the case referred to here an old man(84) lost his guns because a neighbor misheard a comment he made about a possible school shooting.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The headline says: “Jerry Nadler Makes A Fool of Himself.” That’s wrong. Nadler cannot MAKE a fool of himself because he IS a fool. And under real rules of evidence he would never be allowed to poison the minds of the public against his target this way… Elizabeth Warren is “sending up smoke signals” about a “coming economic crash.” That’s all Dumocrats have with the economy booming like it is under President Trump. Make gloomy predictions not backed up by any kind of facts… President Trump blasts Rep. Omar, calling her a “disgrace to this country.” And she is, with her phony head coverings that would never pass muster with a real Muslim. And her anti-American stance… AOC now thinks Trump wants her murdered. Boy, she really has an inflated opinion of her importance! She is the best thing to happen to Trump’s chances to be re-elected…

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