Wednesday, September 2, 2020

He Must Be Effective

Tucker Carlson is “under fire” again because he refuses to “toe the liberal line” in his show. Of course, the fact that he is far from being a liberal is lost on the liberals who are pressuring Fox News to fire him, and for his advertisers to abandon him as pressure for them to do that, He must be really hurting them if they are so determined to get him off the air and out of their hair. They finally got rid of the man he replaced, with their usual scam: accusing him of (unprovable) sexual advances, using the fact that his employers “paid off” some women with equally unprovable claims to avoid bad publicity (didn’t work) as “evidence.” So they think they can do that to him, too. Look for the accusations to come. They will always tell us who hurts them the most, and this is how they do it.

THEY’RE DESPERATE: The Dumbocrats are scared to death. Know Trump is not only going to win the 2020 elections, he is going to complete his efforts to “drain the swamp,” as he promised in 2016. They know they are in deadly danger as he uncovers all their secret dealings and starts the indictments. So now they’re pulling out all the stops in their effort to get him before he gets them. Now an Obama lackey says we should start a revolution if that’s what it takes to get him out of the White House before he is successful in exposing their crimes.

THEY IGNORE THAT: George Floyd didn’t die because of a cop’s knee on his neck. He died of an overdose. He was already a dead man when that cop kneeled on his neck. His body just didn’t know it, yet. But will the “demonstrators” and the rioters who are damaging innocent people’s property, assaulting innocent people, and killing them back off? Not a chance. They will say the doctor performing the autopsy on Floyd’s body is “part of the conspiracy to cover up police responsibility in his death.” They will never accept that there ARE honest people who will not cooperate in a coverup. They will never accept that because they just don’t understand honest people because they are not honest, themselves.

IT WAS SELF DEFENSE! When are the insipid liberals running things going to realize that Kyle Rittenhouse was afraid for his life when he killed two men and injured another with his AR-15? If you had been knocked to the ground, had several men running toward you with “blood in their eyes” while others were shooting (maybe) at you and you don’t know if the shots were aimed at you, wouldn’t you start shooting? I certainly would, if I had a gun in my hands, and I’d be damned thankful I was still alive when it was all over. For the cops to charge him with two murders and one maiming is a travesty and an abuse of power. If the court upholds it, that will just make the travesty worse.

KAMALA WILL HELP BIDEN: She will help Biden get out of becoming president at this late time in his life when he has neither the energy nor the willingness to actually want a job with such pressure and physical requirements. I’m 83, and I certainly wouldn’t want the job. But here’s the “poop.” When he chose this fool for his VP his numbers went down. Immediately. Blacks all over said they would now not be voting for him. Even other liberals “turned away,” as they had already been doing when they rejected her as a presidential candidate, and they certainly don’t want her now.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Yet another unprovable/undisprovable accusation coming from a disgruntled FORMER government employee that Trump fired for not following orders. Sally Yates, whom Trump fired, is now saying, “Trump FAWNS over Putin, thus hoping to revive that already disproved “Russian connection” But then, nobody cares what this bimbo says… There’s one thing the “reparations” crowd hasn’t figured: nobody living today was responsible for slavery and so is not responsible for paying ANY reparations… A former Obama aide is calling for a civil war to remove Trump from the White House. Pardon me, but isn’t that TREASON? Looks like it, from here… Hateful Ilian Omar calling for the abolition of the United States. Maybe she just doesn’t like her job and wants to abolish IT. This is TREASON by a Member of Congress… 

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