Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Dem Governor Refuses Help

The Dumbocrat governor of Wisconsin thought he could quell the riots in Kenosha with only 250 National Guard troops so he refused the offer of up to 750 troops—and then all hell broke loose and he ended up having to accept those other 500 troops while people died, businesses burned to the ground, and other people were hurt. This is an example of the incompetence displayed by Dumbocrat politicians who have conned their way into office. Their incompetence has created the problems, and their further incompetence makes things worse.

STAY OUT OF SPORTS: I’m seeing more and more sports figures interrupting and even causing the stoppage of their sorts events by introducing politics into them, since Kaepernick refused to stand to honor the symbol of our freedom, the American flag, during the playing of the National Anthem at a game. I think they’re making a big mistake, and if this continues, it will destroy the very sports events they depend on for their lavish salaries when their fans leave them adrift because they go to these events to AVOID thinking about politics. They just want to see the game, so don’t disappoint them—or you’ll lose.

THEY NEVER GIVE DETAILS: Dumbocrats are well known for making wild accusations against Republicans, especially President Trump, without giving any specifics upon which they base those accusations. That’s because they’re trying to paint a picture of corruption, even though they have NO PROOF of any corruption, and they hope we don’t notice the lack of factual basis for their accusations. It’s a tactic they’ve used for a long time because it has been successful. But we are finally figuring out their scam, and it is being less successful as time goes on.

THE RACISM SCAM: Everything is racism for the Dumbocrats. It’s almost a “dog whistle” for them to accuse somebody of racism. It means they have nothing else and are throwing it up against the wall to see if it will stick. It’s laughable, really. They think we don’t recognize their scam that is cheapening the racism accusation. Today, it’s a “badge of honor” to be accused of racism by a liberal/Dumbocrat. If they didn’t accuse me of racism at least once a day I feel left out. But they will keep on doing it, even though it has become a useless accusation. They aren’t smart enough to recognize it.

PHONY ISSUES: Dumbocrats work hard to keep your attention off the bad things they’re doing to you by pushing the phony issues out there. One phony issue is “global warming/climate change.” Yes, it does exist. It has always existed, and WILL always exist, no matter how much money they con out of you to “fight it.” Climate change is CYCLICAL. The climate warms. The climate cools off. It’s nature, and no amount of money spent will change that. Another phony issue is gun control. Yes, people shooting people is a problem. But eliminating LEGAL guns is not the answer. Neither is eliminating ILLEGAL guns, if they could. But they can’t They have to eliminate the PEOPLE who illegally USE those guns for evil.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Beto O’Rourke thought he was blasting the Founders for owning slaves when he said Trump was “more racist” than they were. So they started out owning them, since it was what was “done” in those days. But they all freed their slaves as soon as they could. Something Beto either doesn’t know, or wants to hide. Of course, misinformation is the Dumbocrats’ “stock in trade”The DNC lie-fest is on, and many lies have already been told about Trump, as well as lies disparaging his accomplishments. I can’t believe that even some Fox News people are “marveling” at what they’re hearing, just as if what they’re hearing was true. We’re truly losing Fox, folks. We need to find another station that tells both sides, before they go under, completely. As they will, right behind CNN, if they continue on this road… Liberals absolutely refuse to accept reality, Chicago Mayor Lightbrain has described the ANTIFA riots, burning, and looting, as “peaceful demonstrations.” What about all the violence and mayhem they’ve caused, Lori? I wouldn’t say that qualified as “peaceful.” You’re only trying to cover your ass, Lori…


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