Friday, September 4, 2020

Biden Blames Trump

For the failure of leadership in 20 cities, 17 of which have Dumbocrat “leadership.” As usual, without a shred of evidence. And he really expects other human beings with intelligence to believe him. But they will not, and he just doesn’t understand how that can be. Doesn’t he have 47 years of experience in politics on President Trump? Of course, in those years, he accomplished nothing while Trump accomplished more in THREE years than he did in his 47-year long series of failures. But he doesn’t recognize those failures. He doesn’t have the brainpower to do so.

WE ARE AT WAR: And we don’t even know it. I watched the video of the mob attack on Sen. Rand Paul and thought to myself as they pushed and shoved the police security detail, “Why don’t they return it in kind?” If a “demonstrator” hits a cop, that cop is ENTITLED to hit him back under regular human rights. If that rioter SHOOTS at a cop, that cop is entitled to shoot him back, If that kills him, so be it. They call their “demonstrations” peaceful. And there ARE some actual peaceful demonstrations. But way too many “peaceful demonstrations” are “taken over” by ANTIFA and BLM thugs and become violent. And the violence is escalating. Soon, rioters are not going to be satisfied with just assaulting people. The guns are even now beginning to come out, as represented by the shootings of cops in St. Louis and Chicago—and elsewhere.

PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT: That’s what it will be if the liberal prosecutors continue to pursue multiple murder charges against Kyle Rittenhouse for killing two men and wounding a third, as they attacked him. Trying to kill him. At least one news source (CNN) tried to say that skateboard that was used to hit Rittenhouse in the head was not a weapon. But the way it was being used, it was definitely a deadly weapon, and was being used in an attempt to kill him for daring to attempt to defend a business they wanted to destroy. The charges now filed against him should be dropped, and if not, any savvy (not liberal fool) judge should throw them out of court.

ENEMIES OF THE STATE”: Nancy Peelosi says Trump and his supporters are “enemies of the state.” But in reality, it is Nancy and the Dumbocrats who ARE “enemies of the state” because everything they propose to do (if they can steal the election, of course) is inimical to the needs, wishes, and requirements of America if we are to survive as a free nation. She is an ardent socialist, trying to destroy our free market heritage—a heritage that has made us the leader of the world, and the “destination of choice” for millions, all over the world. So much so, they’ll come here any way they can, legal or illegal—just so they can get here and enjoy all the benefits available here. Socialism alone will kill all that.

ONE OF 99 CITIES: Liberals argue that there have been riots and unrest in Republican-run cities, too, so the idea that most of them are caused by lousy governing only in Dumbocrat-run cities. But that’s not what we are saying, at all. We are saying that MOST of the unrest and violent riots come out of Dumbocrat-run cities—not that ALL do. If ONE city out of 99 that has riots and unrest is tun by Republicans, that changes nothing. And that’s about the right ratio—or worse. I don’t know of a Republican-run city where it is as bad as in Dumbocrat-run cities. If anybody knows of one, I’d love it if they’d tell me about it—with proof.

INACTION ON GUN CONTROL”: Recently, Connecticut Senator Blumenthal said, “I’m furious at the inaction on gun control,” as if there were ANY laws that could be passed that would Do ANYTHING to limit, or stop “gun crime,” in any way. I would ask Senator Blumenthall what he would suggest that would actually WORK the way it is touted to work. If he is honest, he doesn’t have the “foggiest notion” as to what laws can be passed that will actually work. He’s just “making words.” Truth is, not a single anti-gun law now on the books has done ANYTHING to reduce gun crime. That cannot be honestly denied. Yet fools like Blumenthal insist on more of them being made.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The Second Amendment to the Constitution says, very clearly, “NO LAW shall be made that INFRINGES upon our right to “bear arms.” Yet corrupt politicians in DC are working hard to do just that. There should be punishment for that. We could solve that by just NOT ELECTING any candidate who is FOR “gun control”… Obvious ommission: Rush Limbaugh points out that The Dumbocrats made absolutely NO MENTION of the violent riots and looting sprees conducted by the Dumbocrat-created Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA goons, who beat up innocent people on the streets, kicking some of them in the head from behind as they lay on the sidewalk following a sound beating given him by multiple “demonstrators.” That reveals their FULL SUPPORT for such violence… Nancy Peelosi says, “Trump won’t be president next year, one way, or the other.” Does that mean if he wins the election she’s going to use an illegal means to “get rid of him?” That’s her only recourse. Mount a coup and overthrow him, or kill him—and his VP. I won’t say she’s got that in mind, but I wouldn’t be surprised


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