Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"Changing History"

Michelle Obama recently said, “We need to change history,” but that’s impossible. History IS. It is an absolute. It HAS happened, and it cannot be changed, no matter how much crooked politicians like Michele and Obama want to change it. What they CAN do is lie about it. Cover up what really happened, and change the dialogue about it, hoping people like me (83 years old) will not remember things as they really happened. A college professor recently even said we need to stop teaching history because knowledge of history causes trouble, Nasty break, professor! Forgetting history means we will repeat it, good or bad. And if we don’t teach history, we will continue to repeat it, over and over, warts and all.

MISUSE OF THE LAW: The liberal prosecutors who charged Kyle Rittenhouse with murder for defending himself from deadly rioters bent on killing him for trying to defend a private business they wanted to destroy are committing a crime by doing so. They are ignoring facts that proved Rittenhouse killed those two thugs and wounded another IN SELF DEFENSE. They refuse to recognize the deadly threat he was under. This is what anti-gun fools want. They’re not really interested in “getting rid of guns,” as they say, they want to get rid of the concept of self defense, altogether.

RIP TRUMP FROM WHITE HOUSE: That’s what BLM thugs are planning to do (if they can). But I predict that, if they try, there will be fewer BLMers left to plague the world. They will have bitten off much more than they can chew. They are not trained in such things, and the Secret Service IS. And they’re well equipped to defend the White House and its occupants. That’s why there has never been a successful attack on the White House, and there isn’t going to be one, now. The BLM fools have enjoyed a measure of success up to now because they mostly choose “soft targets” that can’t effectively fight back, and they are supported by fool liberal politicians. Not so if they attack the White House.

SHOWING SOLIDARITY”: Squads of BLM fools go around accosting innocent diners in outdoor restaurants (many more of which have been created by the virus) and demanding they “raise their fist in solidarity” with their foolishness. If one of those fools came up to me and made such a demand, I would raise my fist, all right, and punch him in the face with it. You don’t get people to agree with you by violently attacking them and DEMANDING “solidarity.” Even if they “go through the motions” of agreement, you will not have gained agreement in any way. As soon as you leave, they will be laughing at you.

JUST WANTA DESTROY”: When the rioters in Portland, OR attacked the liberal mayor’s residence, they revealed themselves. They don’t care who they attack, vandalize, or hurt. They just want to destroy things and are USING this “Black Lives Matter” and ANTIFA foolishness as cover. This mayor SUPPPORTED their efforts, yet they came to his HOME and tried to set it on fire. I don’t think he supports their efforts any longer. They’re “eating their own!” Incompetent governing is responsible for the rise of the “riot culture.” And this Dumbocrat mayor is one of the incompetents. But after the attack on his home, he may be “wising up.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: With gun violence increasing, liberal lawmakers seek to punish gun makers when they should be targeting the USERS of those guns. Guns can be used fir good or evil (like fire), depending on who owns them, and the ones committing the crime likely got them illegally. Going after gun makers is really stupid. They have no culpability. But they aren’t smart enough to know that. That’s like going after auto makers when their cars kill somebodyJoe Biden looks surprised as he accepts the Dumbocrat Party’s nomination to run for president on the Dumbocrat Party’s ticket. Like it came as a surprise to him. I don’t think so. He only looks that way because it is expected of him. He knows “the fix is in.” All phony, as with his family “jumping out of the woodwork” throwing pom-poms and other celebratory devices. I’m sure that was carefully planned as a photo op. The liberal media is “all worked up” about it. I wonder how “worked up” they’ll be when Donald Trump is “nominated” for re-election. Predictably, not very


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