Tuesday, April 14, 2020

"Only Infidels Will die"

Muslim wives say “Only Infidels will die of the virus,” ignoring all the Muslim deaths already recorded. White supremacists say, “Only blacks will die,”while blacks say “Only whites will die of the virus. All of them ignoring the thousands of all races and religious persuasions who have, and WILL die of the virus. Racists of all stripes always think those they hate will “suffer God’s punishment” for being what they are—something they cannot change, even if they wanted to. This virus is just a convenient excuse.

TURNS OUT, THEY’RE WRONG: Liberals are so often wrong on things it’s no surprise they were wrong when they called President Trump a racist early on in the spread of the Coronavirus for saying it “came from China.” The original source for the virus IS communist China. It originated in the “wet markets” in Wuhan, China, where they lay dead animals of all kinds on tables, right out in the open, without consideration for cleanliness or disease. They sell many questionable animals, such as BATS, for humans to eat. The only question facing us now is whether or nor the spread of this virus was an accident, or on purpose. Only time will tell.

THE FBI KNEW: They knew all along the “Steele Dossier” was bullsh-t, yet they used it in many places to try and make things hard on President Trump. Like all “Trump-Haters,” they were willing to do anything, tell any lie, ruin the lives of anybody in their quest to “dump Trump.” It was all part of a Russian disinformation campaign that was just the opposite of the narrative they were selling. They used it to get FISA Warrants, well knowing their source was phony. It was used in getting a $30 million “special counsel investigation” that proved NOTHING, though it messed things up for this government for almost three years.

ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS “INVESTIGATION”: “Pencil Neck" Adam Schiff, who has made a business of telling us all about things only HE knows, that never come to be anything but in his mind, only, has come up with a new one. They never evolve into anything real, but he uses his imaginary knowledge” to sledgehammer Trump, every day. Now he says he is “delving into what warnings Trump ignored on Coronavirus.” Of course, he tells us nothing about what they are—mostly because they don’t exist. He counts on the fact that we forget that he never reveals what they were when he comes up with a new imaginary revelation.

DAMN ARE THEY STUPID! I’ve spent more than 20 years trying to tell a bunch of stupid people there is NO WAY any of their highly-touted anti-gun laws are ever going to do ANYTHING to “reduce gun crime,” and instead INCREASES it by disarming the law-abiding so they are defenseless against illegally-armed law-breakers. Among those are stupid politicians, who make these useless laws. But do they listen? Not a chance. They just ignore me, and everyone else that tries, and go right on making them, while the lawless go right on gaily shooting people.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: AOC thinks the Coronavirus is racist. Does she think we’re that stupid as to believe that? No, SHE’S that stupid as to believe that… These damned fool “reporters” are really reaching. Now one has accused the black Surgeon General of racism for using the term “Big Mama” in describing grandmothers. The fact that black people themselves use that term, not as an insult, but with love, doesn’t seem to matter. How do you accuse a black man of racism against blacks? I don’t think so… Islamic State Wives say, “Only Infidels will die of Coronavirus.” Boy, what a bunch of bozos! They’re deluded by the crap they’re fed by their men. They need to see the pile of Muslim bodies who have already died of the virus

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