Tuesday, April 21, 2020

All the Wrong Things

What the hell is wrong with politicians? Somebody with an illegal gun shoots a place up and the politicians in charge rush to make the average individual defenseless against the next one. The way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself! But they never learn this. They always target LEGAL gun owners whenever something happens, when legal gun owners are NOT the problem. ILLEGAL gun owners ARE. So what the hell good does taking guns away from honest people do? The answer is nothing. Nada. The end result is getting more innocent people killed through the ignorant actions of those politicians.

IT JUST DOESN’T WORK! Every day somewhere, something happens to prove that the “time dishonored” gun law does NOTHING to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not be allowed within a mile of a gun. But the local anti-gun fools work hard to keep such stories as “local news” so it does not affect their false narrative. In Nashville the other day, 41 year old Delbert Porter, a convicted felon, was stopped by the cops. They found an empty gun holster on him, and searched the area around his vehicle, finding a handgun in the grass next to his vehicle. He admitted it was his. This perfectly illustrated our contention that anti-gun laws DO NOT WORK. So they make more of them.

I’M CERTAINLY TEMPTED: As news of Kim Jong Un’s heart problems come out, I feel the same things liberals felt when Rush Limbaugh revealed he had cancer. I want to wish him a very short life in return for all the lives he has ended in his “career.” (Not Rush) But then I thought about how low was their reaction to Limbaugh’s problems just because they disagreed with him politically, I had to reconsider. Yes, Kim has murdered many, as totalitarian despots do. It is expected of them. Limbaugh does not deserve the hate that is imposed on him because of his politics and neither does Kim. So I won’t wish him an early death because of his politics. His murderous nature however, DOES earn him a wish for an early death.

WORRIED ABOUT KIM: The world’s worried about Kim Jong Un, if all the news reports I’ve seen are to be believed. For the left, I believe it. For others, I’m more “tongue in cheek.” Because Kim is a bloody dictator who has murdered a bunch of his “citizens.” I think what happened to him was that he had a heart attack and got a bypass operation. As a survivor of a quadruple bypass myself, I can tell you it’s no picnic, but it IS survivable. But is it a reason to “retire?” Probably. I wouldn’t want to have the responsibilities of a dictator, OR the leader of a free nation. For Kim, I think he should be dragged out by the feet in chains and hanged in public for what he has done. But that’s just me. And I haven’t even lived under his “rule.” But I have no time for such fools as Kim.

WRONG TO REOPEN? A lot of people are asking, “Is it wrong to reopen the economy?” My answer is no. With a caveat. That people should be very careful in how they congregate, with whom they congregate, and that they be very careful to avoid spreading this virus. People aren’t stupid, as a rule, and they know that getting this virus can be deadly, so they should take precautions and not do anything stupid. That being said, I’ve always thought “shutting down” the economy was NOT a good idea, and created a problem worse than the virus. One that could be more deadly in the long run. But then, nobody asked me.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Some people say we ought to be “in lockdown” until 2022. They must want to cause our demise. If we’re dumb enough to do that, this country is FINISHED… “Morning Joe” says “Biden saw the Coronavirus coming like a steamroller while Trump didn’t.” I doubt that’s true, but if it is, Joe wasn’t fighting false impeachment at the time… Gun hating judge rules AR-15 magazines NOT protected by the Constitution. Yes, they are. Taking them away “infringes” on our second Amendment RIGHTS The Constitution says those gun rights “shall NOT be infringed”… Nancy Peelosi is an “enemy of the people.”Everything she does is AGAINST the best interests of the American people, and she does it JUST because she’s miffed that her candidate didn’t win the presidency in 2016. She’s “having a tantrum” that has lasted almost four years…

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