Friday, April 10, 2020

China Lied, People Died

It has become obvious to intelligent people that the original source of the Coronavirus was the “wet markets” in Wuhan, China, where they sell BATS and other questionable animals for people to EAT. And China expects us to believe the blame rests on President Trump’s shoulders because of his imagined inaction in the early stages of the virus’ spread. It’s a typical way for incompetent politicians to divert blame from themselves when their actions go very wrong. Worse, there is speculation that communist China purposely let this plague loose on the world to disrupt it so they could gain influence—and with our response being to mostly shut down our economy, that might happen.

SILLY NOTIONS OF GUN GRABBERS: Alyssa Milano is a good example of the silly notions put out by those who would take our guns away and leave us defenseless against the lawless, who always, somehow, get their guns, illegally. It must be a by produce of the futility they feel at not being able to find ANY law to pass that actually WORKS. She says, “All those first-time gun buyers are future school shooters.” Upon want “science” she bases that, I don’t know, and neither does she. She’s just shouting crap in her frustration. I notice SHE is, herself, a gun owner. Does she plan to shoot up a school down the road? She’s got hers. The rest of us are terrorists.

MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE: The cops mostly spend about 110 hours on gun training for their officers. that’s a lot, isn’t it? Do they really need that much training? Probably, but they don’t get it, and they do okay, mostly, while they daily risk some illegally-armed fool shooting at them. The logical answer to school shootings, of course, is to allow teachers and other staff who have carry permits and significant training to bring their guns to school so they could stop a shooter from killing their students, since they are THERE, while the cops will take some time to arrive, while the shooter is killing children. In suburban Cincinnati, they require 728 HOURS of training before allowing a teacher or other staff to bring their legally-carried guns to school. Compare that with the 110 hours COPS undergo.

JOB APPROVAL STILL HIGH: In spite of all the Dumocrat lying, telling us daily that Trump’s policies are going to ruin us, the American people still have confidence in President Trump. The Dumocrats just can’t understand WHY this is. They think their lies should have long since sunken this president, since they control the liberal media and can keep the truth from being largely known. But they never counted on intelligent people gravitating toward news sources that do not lie to them and so know more of the truth than the Dumocrats want them to know. Trump’s successes in “draining the swamp” are well-known. They haven’t been able to hide them, since they affect everybody—and results overcome lies, every time.

WORSE THAN PANDEMIC: We’re causing more trouble for ourselves than any pandemic could by our main response to this Coronavirus. Yes, “distance ourselves” to avoid being infected. Wash our hands often for 20 seconds or more, and don’t touch our faces (although I can’t see how we can do that, since touching our faces often is such an automatic thing to do). But DO NOT KILL THE ECONOMY. If we’re diligent in staying at a distance from people while being careful not to infect others by coughing or sneezing on them, we can kill this virus and get things back to normal. But if we keep the economy down long enough, we will kill it—and that can be a lasting disaster. This country was built on the free market and a thriving economy. Without either, this country will flounder and fail, which will be a “death knell” to most of us as this country descends into riots and food wars and looting, just to stay alive.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The Pope is a fool. He says this virus is “nature’s revenge for not doing more about global warming.” Global Warming is a scam. A swindle. And this “world leader” is promoting it. His “left” is showing… Yesterday, Mort Drucker, Mad Magazine icon, passed away. He was having trouble breathing so they’re trying to assign his death to the current virus pandemic, which is a stretch. He was 91 and in poor health. Difficulty breathing had to be part of his problems—it certainly is for me, and I’m only 82. At our age, our deaths can usually be considered due to that incurable deadly disease called old age. So don’t use our deaths to pad your pandemic death numbers… Not as many people are dying of the virus epidemic now, and some fools are saying Trump lied to them about how many would die. It’s just possible fewer people are dying of the virus because Trump’s policies are working…

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