Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wishful Thinking

At the University of Michigan, they found a noose in an employee’s desk. They “investigated,” breathlessly telling people it was a “noose,” which, of course, implies racism, which they badly want to happen so they can make more racist claims. Following an extensive “investigation” by the university’s Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS), they found it wasn’t a noose, at all. It was just some employee practicing knot-tying on his break. Of course, “If relevant information comes forward, they will reopen the investigation.” So if you race-baiters can pony up some “information,” maybe you can create a racist scare.

LIBS HATE PRATT’S SHIRT: They call it racism, their usual phony epithet. Why do they hate it? Because it says “Don’t Tread on Me” while they spend most of their time “treading on people’s rights, and they can’t have that. It’s against their “rules” They want to keep treading on people’s rights with their stupid, ineffective, unenforceable anti-gun laws, and that shirt points out the fallacy of their efforts. So they hate it. And that’s not all. They hate anything that points out their stupidity and bullying ways, so they want to ban it, and Chris Pratt refuses to do so. So they’ll probably demand a boycott of his films. Good luck with that. Chris Pratt is one of the “most bankable stars in Hollywood” right now.

ONLY THE LAW-ABIDING: The futility of the anti-gun laws is stunning. They tell us they are “concerned with gun safety” when all they want to do is get rid of all the guns in existence, an impossible task. There are millions of illegally-owned guns out there, and more coming, every day. Their laws only apply to the law-abiding, who mostly are NOT the problem. Lawbreakers ARE, and the laws only touch them when they get caught. What the hell good are laws that only apply to the law-abiding? It is the lawbreakers they want to stop being able to get guns, and that will never happen. There is too much money to be made in black market gun sales, which are happening every day, right under their noses.

RACIST, RACIST, RACIST! Dumocrats accuse everybody that disagree with them of racism, even when it is demonstrably NOT racism. Yet it is the Dumocrats who worry that the first Dumocrat presidential candidates for the first debates are all white. Only a racist would even THINK of that. They even sink so low as to accuse an official SAINT of racism in one of his pronouncements, which is also demonstrably NOT racist, and is in fact, the exact OPPOSITE of racism. They twist people’s words to impute racism in what they say. They even purposely misquote them so they can CLAIM racism. They think racism in their every thought. That's real racism.

SHOULD BE A LESSON THERE: Liberals should let the Oberlin College fiasco be a lesson to all liberals who think they can FORCE people to go against their deepest principles and do business with them that they hate, to their very souls. Watch what would happen if a Christian went into a Muslim-owned bakery and insisted on them baking a cake slamming Islam? That could result in bloody murder, not a simple lawsuit, because the Muslims have no sympathy for people who try to oppose their “religion. And the Koran actually tells them shunning, insulting, lying to, or even KILLING “Infidels” is okay.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Only a Dumocrat! Former VP Biden just referred to “that Godawful tax cut Trump laid on us.” Only a Dumocrat would look on a massive tax cut as “Godawful.def”… Beto “bets it all” on global warming, that many-times disproved swindle. He talks about spending $5 trillion to “fight global warming,” or in 50 years, all will be lost. He ought to talk to AOC, who thinks we’ll all be dead by then… The Oklahoma governor just signed a bill into law BANNING “free speech zones” on campus, for all the wrong reasons. But there should not be a NEED for them. The entire campus SHOULD be a “free speech zone,” since the Constitution GUARANTEES free speech… Trump is trying to get the Muslim Brotherhood designated as a “terrorist group.” And that’s only right, seeing as how they ARE a terrorist group...

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