Friday, July 12, 2019

Banning Urban Camping

The City of Centennial, Colorado, has passed a law banning “urban camping.” Some fools say we should create “alternative housing” for these people, and create other freebies for them. They think these people are homeless for reasons that are not their own fault, and we “need to help them.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Most of these people are homeless because they WANT to be. They’re camping on property that does not belong to them, and they bring much junk and garbage with them, creating a health hazard, not to mention the eyesore. The rights of the property owners whose property they usurp are being ignored by allowing them to stay.

PRINCIPAL IGNORANCE: This high school principal is about as ignorant as you can get. He told a concerned parent that he “could not refer to the holocaust as a factual event” because many people doubt it ever happened. This notwithstanding six million dead Jews and many survivors who testified to the reality of the situation. This principal should give credence to those who KNOW. But apparently, he doesn’t. Apparently, he has his own biases as to the existence of the holocaust. But he shouldn’t be teaching our children on the basis of those biases. He should be fired for doing so, and it appears that he has not been. The holocaust is FACT, and should not be treated as a “fable” and taught as such.

IT’S ALL ABOUT RACE: One of the most common ploys used by the Dumocrats is race relations. Even though race relations are much better than they have ever been, Dumocrats try hard to “whip up” more and more racism, while creating their own racism against white people. The whole “white privilege” thing is part and parcel of their attempts to create hatred for white people by black people, and reverse all the gains we have made in recent years in race relations, for their own purposes. Dumocrats want to create as much division in America as they can, because a divided people is a people easier to manipulate.

GUN CONTROL REALLY WORKS: Chicago, which has in place most, if not all of the anti-gun laws in existence, is a “mecca of safety.” Er… wait a minute. Didn’t 6 people die of gunshot wounds, while a total of 66 were shot during the July 4 weekend? That kinda proves gun control DOESN’T work, doesn’t it? Maybe the anti-gun crowd should change something about the way they go about trying to make life safer for the law-abiding, maybe? Like allowing responsible, law-abiding people to be armed for self defense, thus giving them “parity” with the millions of law BREAKERS who ignore all those “great” anti-gun laws?

DIDN’T WE KNOW THAT? A recent study shows, surprise, surprise, criminals don’t obey laws. A new study led by Dr. Phillip Cook, of Duke University, accidentally found that, again surprise, surprise, a majority of people in prison on gun charges got their guns illegally, because most of them were prohibited from legally owning guns because they were felons. But they got them, anyway. Why is that not a surprise? Gun control laws do not stop people who are determined to use their guns to victimize others from getting their guns. The black market in guns is actually bigger than the legal gun trade, which included gun sales to police and other government agencies.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: College students prefer Biden and Sanders to President Trump, according to a recent “study” taken by talking to Dumocrats. It’s not surprising, considering the conditioning they have endured. But the voters include more than Dumocrat dupes… “Pocahontas” Elizabeth Warren wants free college and free child health care, among other free things she will think of later, completely ignoring how close to broke the feds are already, from earlier “free stuff” other Dumocrats have imposed on us with our own money… Social Security is scheduled to go completely broke in 20 years. I’m glad I will be safely dead by then… “Crazy Bernie” Sanders thinks the Boston Bomber should be allowed to vote. That shows how ignorant he is. But we already knew that. He’s a socialist… Muslim congresswoman Rashida Tlaib wants to go on a hunger strike to get rid of ICE. Okay, let her starve herself to death. NO loss there…

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